
Most Interesting and Influencial 2005: Eugene L. Cain

Eugene L. Cain
Chief School Administrator for
El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz Public School Academy

    Eugene L. Cain currently serves as Chief School Administrator for El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz Public School Academy located in Lansing, Michigan. He is a native of Birmingham, Alabama wherein he attended public schools, graduating from Western Olin High School.  Dr. Cain received a bachelor of arts in history and economics from Talledega College, Talladega, Alabama.  He is the recipient of a master’s degree in education and a doctorate degree in curriculum and instruction from Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.
     Dr. Cain has previously served in the capacity of classroom teacher, Curriculum Director, Curriculum Consultant, Assistant State School Superintendent, State Director of Compensatory Education, local School Superintendent, Principal and the Southeast Regional Development Vice President for Edison Schools, the nation’s largest manager of public schools.
    Dr. Cain is active as a community volunteer in Lansing,Michigan where he mentors several students, is past Chairman of the Education Committee of the local NAACP chapter, and the United Negro College Fund.  He serves on the Advisory Board of the College of Education, Wayne State University.  He also served as a past Chairman of the National Dropout Prevention Network, an organization that he was instrumental in helping to organize. In April 2003, Dr. Cain was the recipient of the Whitney Young Award of the Boy Scouts of America – Lansing Chapter.  Dr. Cain is a member of the Stephen’s Community United Church of Christ of Lansing, MI.