
Appreciate the Gift of Life

Written by Frank Risper

My wife, Rina, and I were invited to a birthday celebration this past weekend.  We had a good time.  We were very happy to share in the celebration of another year in someone else’s life.  But, as I sat there, I wondered if the “birthday boy” really understood how blessed he was on that day?

The day was one that he may not have had the opportunity to see if  not for the grace of God.  We all know that tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

To live a long life is a great thing.  Unfortunately, a lot of people may not see it that way.  I find that aging can be a wonderful process.  My father is 82 years old and he’s very proud of it.  I hope to follow in his footsteps and be healthy and alive at his age.

It’s too bad that Americans have a love affair with being  young.

A lot of people give the perception that when they were  young it was the greatest time in their lives.  In reality, your  youth is probably the most difficult time in your life, because  youth does not afford you knowledge.  In short, you have little wisdom, if any. Wisdom is something that comes with time.

I believe that Americans need to change our way of thinking regarding aging.  We need to look forward to the golden years. We should thank  God for allowing us to grow older.  We need to understand that every day should be a celebration of life.

Another thing, just because we’re getting older doesn’t  mean that we have to act old.  We have a choice.  You can be sexy, feisty, zestful and vital well into your golden years.

Yes, you may have smooth skin and a firm body now, but trust me it  won’t last.

Don’t be afraid to get old.  Learn to make the best of  each moment that we’ve been given on earth.  Look forward to those years you have yet to  experience, and don’t regret the young ones their youth. It’s a blessing to have the opportunity to experience the maturity and wisdom that comes with advanced age. Appreciate the gift of life.

Remember to keep the faith, trust in God only and seek after a pure heart.  God will be pleased.