Arts & Entertainment
Listen to Your Body
Comfort Food for the Mind, Body, and Soul: GETTING READY FOR EASTER DINNER
April is National Poetry Month Celebrity Interviews: Comedian JB Smoove delivers the humor in Hall Pass
By Samantha Ofole-Prince
Comfort Food for the Mind, Body, and Soul: Lemon Shrimp
Home cooking for a new generation. Easy and elegant recipes from the heart and soul created for today’s family. This tasty lemon shrimp dish is sure to please!
Mother Flippin’:One Funny Mother – R.I.P. iPhone
By Tashmica Torok
Fast Facts: March is Women’s History Month
By Anne R., Reference Librarian
It’s hard to believe, but Women’s History Month is only 24 years old. It wasn’t until 1987 that Congress declared March as National Women’s History Month in perpetuity. This act was the culmination of efforts by many to gain official recognition for the contributions of women to United States history.
Ask Tamara: To Shack or Not to Shack
Dear Tamara:
My fiancé has asked me to move in with him. We have been together for three years and engaged for almost a year now. We have not yet set a wedding date because we each have another year of school left and we both want to wait until we graduate college before getting married. In a way it makes perfect sense that we move in together.