“The Company Men”
Studio: The Weinstein Company (109 mins)
News For, By and About People
Studio: The Weinstein Company (109 mins)
Venus Personal Image Salon owner, Jenny Pham, will offer hair and beauty services for men and women on Monday, February 14, 2011, on a donation only or ability to pay basis.
Dear Tamara:
“Do you believe in soulmates and that there is one person that perfectly matches you completely?” I have been married for a few years and I just met a man that I believe is my true soulmate. We have so much in common and I believe we are destined to be together. Though I love my husband, this new man makes me feel alive. And it has nothing to do with sex. We just connect on a different and much deeper level. I don’t know what I should do about this.
– Soulmate
Left: This aluminum tab recycled bag is a great find for the “green conscious” woman for her 10 year anniversary on the job.
In 1922, Emily Post published the first known list of traditional anniversary presents and gift categories. Originally, the etiquette guru listed gifts only for the first, fifth, tenth, fifteenth, twentieth, twenty-fifth and fiftieth anniversaries. By 1957, Post had expanded her anniversary list to include every year from the 1st to the 15th, and for every fifth year after that.
11th Street Station Restaurant
Studio: Columbia (1hr. 48 min.)
By Jay Bobbin
By Tashmica Torok
Every once in a while, I will stand in the children’s section of a book store and browse the selections. I will pick up unknown books with beautiful illustrations and catchy titles to flip through the new pages. Sometimes my hands are drawn to the classics of my own childhood. I love when a story gives me chills. Those are usually the stories I end up carrying home to read to my children.