The Kid’s Doctor: Flu cases rising rapidly
Fortunately, the children I’m seeing with flu right now are not terribly sick.
News For, By and About People
Fortunately, the children I’m seeing with flu right now are not terribly sick.
By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Content Agency
Q. I swear that half the people I work with lack empathy and are arrogant and completely self-absorbed. What can I do so they don’t make me miserable?
Fears keep you in the background. In fact, it convinces you that you cannot make your dreams come true, it tells you to be quiet, and it even separates you from your loved ones. But living in fear is neither acceptable nor necessary. Facing fear is something with which every person must try to achieve. In order to live a peaceful and happy life you must face your fears and conquer them. Healthy fear can protect you, but unnatural and unhealthy fear can destroy your life. So, you need to conquer it before it conquers you. There are several ways you can have an edge over your fears and break the walls surrounding it:
By Deborah M. Walker