Outreach to Vulnerable Populations During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Social Security Administration has a long history of outreach and coordination with advocates and community-based organizations across the nation….

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Kid-friendly meatballs get the whole family involved in cooking dinner

Big flavor from this meatball recipe. Your family will have this on the monthly meal rotation. Try meatball subs for…

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Army Lt. Held at Gunpoint and Pepper Sprayed By Police in Virginia

Nationwide — Army Second Lieutenant Caron Nazario, who is Black and Latino, was reportedly held at gunpoint and pepper-sprayed by police during a traffic stop in Windsor, Virginia last December. He has since filed a lawsuit against the officers.

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Kid-friendly meatballs get the whole family involved in cooking dinner

Big flavor from this meatball recipe.  Your family will have this on the monthly meal rotation.  Try meatball subs for lunch or a spaghetti and meatball dinner with garlic Texas toast.

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Outreach to Vulnerable Populations During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Social Security Administration has a long history of outreach and coordination with advocates and community-based organizations across the nation.  During the COVID-19 pandemic, continuing to work with advocates and community-based organizations is essential to reaching the country’s most vulnerable populations, including individuals with low income, limited English proficiency, mental illness, or those facing homelessness. 


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11-year-old student chronicles her experience attending her first protest in hopes to educate and inspire other youth to get civically engaged

WATERBURY, CT — As protests erupted around the country in response to  the shooting deaths of 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery, 26-year-old Breonna Taylor and 46-year-old  George Floyd, many parents have had to have a tough, but necessary conversation with their  children about systemic racism and why organized demonstrations for racial justice are still  happening. 

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Plant Professionals: Raised Bed Gardening

Photo by Uriel Mont

By Kathy Valentine

For those with small potential garden spaces, poor or contaminated existing soils or perhaps just a balcony for plants, raised beds are a great solution. For those of us with aging knees and hips, raised beds are easier to plant, tend and harvest. An additional advantage of raised bed gardening is that soils warm up faster in spring and can be planted earlier. That also means covering before a frost will be important.

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My Pet World: Training can help dogs live in harmony

Photo by Samuel Sweet

By Cathy M. Rosenthal,
Tribune Content Agency

Dear Cathy,

I have a Pomeranian named Winston who I am very bonded to. My boyfriend has a labradoodle named Puddles who is very sweet but needs lots of love and attention. We have all been living together for a year now. Any time I'm giving Winston attention, Puddles inserts herself between us and pushes him out of the way. With my boyfriend traveling a lot for work, I'm trying to split my attention between them, but Winston often gives up and walks away from our snuggle sessions. I can tell my little guy is getting frustrated. He has started to stand on the couch and bark at Puddles almost compulsively. He's also started pooping inside. I don't know how to split my attention between them fairly when it's just me, and I don't know how to calm Winston down when he's clearly upset that Puddles is in his space. Please help. – Karen, Costa Mesa, California


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