

NAME: Andrew Brewer, Jr.

BUSINESS:  Peace of Mind Home Healthcare LLC
POSITION: President
What three traits define you? 
Driven, Humble and Loyalty 
What gets you out of bed in the morning? 
My past trails and tribulation. I am so grateful that  my family and God gave me so many chances to learn to appreciate the beautiful gift of life. I am excited to wake up every morning to get life started.
Where is your favorite place to be? 
In a swimming pool, it provides me with peace of mind.
What’s your favorite thing about working at your company?  
Providing the best care for our clients with compassionate Caregivers, has been amazing. However, the part I really enjoy is when we connect our clients with our community, for example taking Mr. Mills to his very first MSU Basketball game, that's a memorable moment.
If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor? 
Greg Kelly, my friend and mentor, he's deceased now, but he provided so much encouragement and information for me to be successful. 
What’s one piece of advice you would give someone just starting out in your industry?  your company? 
You must have a compassion for taking care of others and employee the best Caregivers there the foundation of your company.
What kind of people are you looking to hire?   
Experience professional Caregivers, compassionate the bond between Caregiver and Client is vital, patient, you must be caring it takes a special type of person to deal with clients who may have Alzheimer's or another type of dementia, dedicated, you must realize the client depends on you to live their life, and someone who communicates well, we use a interactive team approach so communicating the needs of the client is vital.  
What’s your go-to motto? 
Life is a beautiful struggle.
Tell us something that might surprise me about you, like a favorite hobby or trait that you exhibit.
I always keep a book good with me, you never know were you will get an amazing ideal from.   
Lastly, tell us something that might surprise us about you. 
Growing up I was a follower but I learned that's the best way to get into trouble and not achieve your dreams, so I learned to think for myself.   
“In the Know” asks questions that provoke thought and encourages others to dream.  Let us know who you think we should “know”.  Remember they can be someone that you enjoy talking to every single day or the cashier at your favorite store.   Contact us at 517-372-8466 or rinarisper.tncp@gmail.