
1985 Everett High School Graduate becomes, Laurens County’s, first planning director

Stephanie Denise Monroe was  motivated and ready for the challenge when she accepted her position.  The position is in Laurens County, which is located in South Carolina.

Born and raised in Michigan, Ms. Monroe graduated from Everett High School in 1985 and earned a bachelors degree in public affairs management from Michigan State University (MSU) in 1991.  She was in the workforce and then obtained a master’s degree in urban and regional planning from MSU in 1999.  Upon graduation, she joined the AmeriCorps and became an AmeriCorp Vista Volunteer in Philadelphia, PA.  After, one year she accepted a position as a town planner in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. 

Ms. Monroe has the undaunting task of beginning in a brand new
position for a town that is looking  to welcome economic development , control growth and also preserve the hometown feel of the county.  While dealing with issues of land use, business or residential use and/or plotting potential growth patterns for the county, she also has to keep the residents satisfied.

The first months will consist of gathering facts and information about the communities in the county.  She will use her experience that she obtained while she worked in urban areas of southern Michigan, including East Lansing and Detroit.

Ms. Monroe states that she misses Lansing sometimes and likes to visit East Lansing.  She also likes visiting friends and family.  Her mother,  Dorothy Monroe, still resides in Lansing, Michigan. 

Printed in Volume 1 Issue 10