
The Temperature of the Political Climate is Up to You

By Sunnie

As we navigate our current political climate, it is imperative that we pay attention to our political atmosphere…for better or worse. I find that many people are unsure of the definitions and history of political leanings that maintain popularity in our mainstream media. The 2024 presidential election is arriving sooner than many of us are unprepared for but there is no solution without education. 

In The United States, we use the words right-winged, conservative, and republican as interchangeably as we use leftist, liberal, and democrat. The danger in this practice appears clearly as politicians misuse terms and mislead the public; political polarization. The further we lean into the two-party system, the further we stray from the political peace that we are all craving after years of debilitating division in the country. 

It is important first to understand the difference between a political ideology and a political party. While a political ideology represents a set of morals, beliefs, and ideals that inform plans intended to implement correlating action, a political party is solely used to align with candidates that represent your ideology with the most accuracy. The sitting President, Joe Biden, represents the Democratic party. In general, the present Democratic party is in support of ideas such as civil rights, climate awareness, organized labor, and other means of progressive reformation under capitalism. Despite the fact that many people tend to use leftist as a synonym for democrats, leftist ideas in the United States do not share the faith in capitalism that liberals and democrats share. Leftists stand behind a radical shift toward a socialist society. Liberalism can often be seen as a precursor to a more radicalized left-leaning ideology that is found in leftism, as it often adheres to the belief that governmental regulation in order to protect laborers from exploitation is necessary. 

It is imperative to cultivate your beliefs in order to vote for representation that best advocates for the change you want to see in the world. If you happen to have right-winged beliefs I am sure you have found yourself in a whirlwind as the terms Republican and conservative are blurred indistinguishably in plenty of the mainstream media we consume. The Republican Party often provides a platform for conservative ideologies in the modern political arena. According to the U.S. Congressman, Mike Johnson, a few of the core tenets of conservatism are limited government, maintenance of our military power, and the free market. Christianity is a constant in right-winged beliefs and conservatism is well known for its religious influence. The Republican Party’s platform is built on ideals like low taxation, conservative social policies, and preservation of tradition. Though it is possible to have liberal or conservative ideas as a member of the Democratic or Republican parties, this is not often represented adequately in our collective understanding of these terms. 

Many adults navigate our world without proper exposure to reliable news. It is our individual responsibility to seek out clarity and reform in the areas we see fit. This process should involve participating in your community to assess its needs through your lenses. In order to avoid the piercing nature of messages that are inflated by algorithms we must stay grounded in the reality of the world that exists outside of our screens. Donate, volunteer, and educate the people you have access to, and be sure to brush up on your media literacy! 

Sunnie is a digital nomad who has recently traveled to Central and South America for eight months. With a background in African American and African Studies coupled with environmental science and sustainability studies, she is passionate about the arts, mental health, social justice, and the world that contains it. You can contact her at thenewcitizenspress@gmail.com.