
2nd Annual Earth Day Unity Festival

By Anir Senyah
The New Citizens Press

LANSING, MI — It is time that we recognize that we need to start caring about the environment that we live in.    Responding to wide spread environmental degradation, United States Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin called for an Environmental Teach-in or Earth Day to be held on April 22, 1970.
     Over 20 million people participated and it is now observed each year by more than 500 million people and national governments in 175 countries.
Earth Day will be celebrated on Sunday,April the 22nd.
     Senator Gaylord Nelson, an environmental activist in the U.S. Senate, took a leading role in organizing the celebration, to demonstrate popular political support for an environmental agenda. He modeled it on the highly effective Vietnam War protests of the time.

Here are some activities scheduled for Sunday. April 22nd:
Earth Day Potluck

4 pm: NorthStar Center, 106 Lathrop Ave., 517-371-2001
(Behind Jerusalem Bakery, corner of Lathrop & Michigan Ave.)
Puppet Parade

6 pm: NorthStar Center to Lansing Community College
(W.@ Michigan Ave. to N.@ Capitol Ave to E.@ Shiawassee)
Earth Day Jam

 7-9pm: Percussion Jam, Poetry, Music & Puppet Theatre
Room 170, Arts & Sciences, Lansing Community College
Puppet Making Workshops

Fridays 4/6, 4/13 & 4/20, 8:30-noon & 2:30-5:30p.m.
and Sunday 4/22, 1:30 at NorthStar Center: (517)371-2001
Help create monster-sized puppets with cardboard, paper mache, paint, odds & ends.  Bring ideas & supplies if you have them. Children are welcome.