
Ask the Business Librarian 8-12

By Liz Kudwa

A:  Blogs have certainly grown in popularity in recent years.  And I found some interesting research from the Pew Internet & American Life Project that indicates in the last eight years or so, adults’ use of the Internet has skyrocketed along with their access to broadband at home, cell phone ownership and wireless access to the Internet.  Growth in all of these areas points to increased access to and use of a variety of social networking tools, including blogging.

For those not familiar with what a blog is, let me offer a brief description.  A blog, which is short for “web log”, is a shared online journal where people can post entries about their experiences.  Blogs started out as a means of personal expression – individuals sharing their opinions, thoughts, experiences, hobbies, etc… but more and more companies and business owners have entered the “blogosphere” and are using corporate blogs to share their expertise and promote their services.  An entry in Wikipedia pretty accurately details what blogs are and the different types that exist.  For more information log on : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blogs for more details.

I’ve done some reading on the subject of using blogs as a means to bolster small business marketing efforts and as with anything, there are pros and cons.  As far as the pros go, business owners can get information about the markets’ opinion of them – comments from readers about you, your product/service, the market, etc…  Blogs will also help build and extend your brand by increasing your visibility and raising awareness about your company.  This includes driving traffic to your website.  Another advantage is that readers like blogs – short news bites written in a conversational tone are more appealing to read than lengthy articles.  Blogs also provide a forum for readers to engage in genuine dialog with you. And a final advantage, search engines love blogs – search engines like sites that have content which is frequently updated.

There also are a few disadvantages to blogging.  Blogs require frequent updates to remain relevant.  This requires a time commitment on your part if you are a sole business owner.  If you will have employees helping you then you will need some posting guidelines to make sure it’s clear what is expected of your bloggers.  And lastly, due to the need for frequent updates, it can be difficult to maintain a quality blog.  Make sure your posts are engaging, conversational, and of substance.

And keep in mind that you may not need a blog.  Just because “everyone is doing it”, doesn’t mean you have to.  Consider doing some additional reading to further educate yourself on blogging as a tool to market your business.  Here are some suggested titles which can be found at the Capital Area District Library.

o    Blog Wild! A Guide For Small Business Blogging by Andy Wibbels
o    Blog Schmog: The Truth About What Blogs Can and Can’t Do For Your Business by Robert W. Bly
o    Buzz Marketing with Blogs for Dummies by Susannah Gardner
o    Publish & Prosper: Blogging For Your Business by DL Byron and Steve Broback

CADL has started blogging in recent months and I now author our business blog “We’re Open For Business”.  Check us out at http://cadlbusiness.wordpress.com!

Elizabeth Kudwa  is the Business Reference Librarian at the Capital Area District Library located at 401 S. Capitol Avenue in Lansing, MI.  Contact her at 517-367-6301 or by e-mail at kudwae@cadl.org.