May 12, 2009
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Central United Methodist Church
215 North Capitol Avenue
Lansing, Michigan 48933
A Grassroots Community and Public Relations Firm
OVERVIEW: The balance of power in lobbying federal and state government has changed dramatically. Individuals and communities are seeking change and are more empowered than ever before in history. The old days when influencing legislative action meant closed-door meetings between a few powerful special interest groups and a handful of powerful party leaders and committee chairs are over. Policy makers are influenced by their constituencies, community based advocates, scholars and researchers, the media, their fellow lawmakers, as well as by their own personal life experiences.
Today, active, informed community-based advocates have an even more important role to play and an unprecedented opportunity to influence the legislative process. In the current legislative arena, you truly can make a difference.
To capitalize on this opportunity, however, you must first be aware of the obstacles you may encounter and how to effectively overcome them. More and more individuals and organizations are educating on more issues than ever before, making the competition fierce for a legislator’s time and commitment.
In this increasingly cluttered environment of competing interests, you and your message can easily get lost in the shuffle. Understanding how the system works and how to maneuver it can help to ensure your message is powerfully and effectively delivered to its intended audiences.
This training seminar is designed to give individuals and organizations the tools needed to communicate more effectively with your elected officials and achieve their goals.
Ø Understanding Your State Legislature
Ø Developing a SWOT Analysis
Ø Planning Your Advocacy Campaign Strategy
Ø Fundamentals for Engaging Your Elected Officials
Ø Getting Your Message Out
Ø Communication Options to Enhance Your Advocacy Efforts
Provide your name, title, organization, address, city, zip, phone number and e-mail.
Please RSVP to Sherri Solomon, NAMI Michigan: , Phone: 517-485-4049 Ext. 1, Fax: 517-485-2333 no later than Friday, May 8, 2009. *Lunch provided; Space is LIMITED to 50 Participants.