

In Nelson Mandela’s 1994 Inaugural speech he stated that “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light not our darkness, that most frightens us.”

We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.  It’s not just in some of us; it’s in every one of us.  As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

My father modeled a tower of strength that liberated me from my fears as a single mom.  The impact of his love and guidance has touched the life of my daughter as is expressed in poetry.  Thank you dad for stepping up to the plate and being and AWESOME FATHER!!!

By Brenda Spraggins-Scott

A 19 year-old girl remembers…

By Jody Spraggins-Scott

When a little girl of two,

Smiles when you give her a wink

Making her eyes glimmer, cheeks dusted with pink!! Raised with bubbly excitement, making her think … if in fact, that was to be the one thrill for her day, surely that would be ok…for it was you who brought your bag of merriment her way.

Or, when a young child of four,

Unmoved, looks outside, through the screen door until, seated with you comfortably on the kitchen floor…it is your…white and red lunch box she is quick to adore…thinking to herself, if in fact, this was the one thrill for the day, yes!! This would definitely be ok…for it was you who hand delivered reliance and relevancy her way.  

How about a kid of eight,

Smile halfway worn because of the gap, feeling like a sorry simple sap…. wishing that she wasn’t so fat!!! How am I going to adapt? She asked herself one day…but then you came into mind, in your calm undisturbed time, saying hey it’s going to be ok, I’ll love you despite the hereditary gap, and the unwelcome baby fat…

Wow, once you said that, remember the little girl of two? , Well she shone right on through, I just didn’t know what to do, I know it’s all cause of you.c

That was then the thrill for the day, and of course it was ok, for courage and assurance had been gift wrapped and rushed delivered my way…


When a 19-year-old young lady remembers…

Yes that chunky girl of two with cheeks dusted with pink…soon to be

a child of four looking expectantly outside, through the screen door, at

That kid of eight, who knows it, would be great to accompany her grandfather as he locks the gate. …Always protecting, making sure that she’s safe.


   Now the tables have turned

Your older now, I have to make sure you don’t

Get burned…

Giving me a lot to look back on,

 One can only remember when

More than a grandfather you were to me

You were my friend

On early mornings damp with due

Sky’s red-hot sun, not quite with purple hue

And birds are out…just a few

This newborn day is barely new

And it is us, just we two

Walking outside, amidst the blue.

And if all of this is to be my thrill

Then Papa, you know I gladly will

Take these memories and store them until….

I see you again,


You varnished this girl with your far-sighted phrase

Clear-eyed, well-meaning ways

Yes, you lifted a thick black haze,

And for that I will love you all of my day’s…


Copyright 2002