Be PHREEE: Listen

Charissa  suggests that you take the time and figure out how to be more honest with yourself.

By Charissa Patterson-Martinez

You might be surprised what you hear when you truly take the time to listen. If we are honest with ourselves, we might find that in the middle of a conversation with a loved one, we already know how the story ends or the point that he or she wants to make. Many times the assumption may be right on, however, remember the time when you received a look of disappointment on your loved one’s face and their respond was to shut down and stop talking even. That was probably the time you got it wrong and you were way off. Have you been the speaker and felt cut off by someone else who was so sure where you were going? When the person did that to you and incorrectly anticipated the end of your story or message did you not feel put off?  I absolutely loathe witnessing people do that to each other. It speaks to the lack of basic respect for each other and our feelings. Yeah I said it! Feeling! How people feel does matter.

When we choose to listen to those around us, we will gain information, people will be sharing themselves with you, thoughts, ideas, knowledge, and feelings will be expressed. When we listen we may hear news we needed to hear, learn a new prospective, understand where this person is coming from, gain inspiration, insight, or even the fire to make moves in our own lives. We listen, for better or worse.

When I say for better or worse, I mean that what people have to say may not always be what we want to hear but that does not make it any less worthy to hear. Be tough enough to hear someone’s truth and do what you will with it the new information you have been gifted. Knowledge over all is a gift, it is up to you to figure out how to best use it. When the news is for better, then our ears are easily in tune to that song and there is nothing wrong with that.  My point here is that we desire to listen to our brothers and listen to our sisters they have chosen you to share a bit of themselves with. Welcome and embrace that role that person did not have to choose you. She may need to let it out, let her so that. He may need to share how profound his interaction with a coworker had been. Let him share because you would want him to listen to you. Do it, you might be surprised what you hear when you truly take the time to listen and even if you are not, take the time to listen anyway.

Charissa Patterson-Martinez is a wife, mother, daughter and friend. She is also a motivational speaker and writes about inspiring individuals who seek personal empowerment, enrichment and enlightenment. Charissa is originally from Lansing, MI and currently lives in Lens, Belgium. You can reach her at, follow me on new twitter account or on Facebook at Be PHREEE.  P.H.R.E.E.E. stands for Positive Human Realizing Enlightening, Encouragement,  Empowerment!

This was printed in the October 7, 2012 – October 20, 2012 Edition