Q: I have heard that I may be able to obtain a grant to start my business. Is this true?
A: The most straightforward answer I can give is “It depends”. Generally speaking, if you are going to be a “for-profit” company, there are very few grants available for you. Most grants are available for “not-for-profit” organizations. If you are going to be a non-profit entity, there are a number of resources available to you. I’ll list some of the more popular websites and some of the grant reference books we have available at the Main branch of the Capital Area District Library.
U.S. grant portal: www.grants.gov
Grants.gov allows organizations to electronically find and apply for more than $400 billion in Federal grants. Grants.gov is THE single access point for over 1000 grant programs offered by all Federal grant-making agencies. The US Department of Health and Human Services is proud to be the managing partner for Grants.gov, an initiative that is having an unparalleled impact on the grant community.
MSU Funding Center: www.lib.msu.edu/harris23/grants/index.htm
Offers an overview of what the Funding Center is. Also provides an extensive list of grant opportunities available including those specifically in the Lansing area.
Reference Books
These books are directories of foundations that give grant monies. Each listing provides information on the foundation’s giving guidelines and application procedures. Foundation searches can be done by subject and geographic area.
* Michigan Foundation Directory, 14th edition, Council of Michigan Foundations
* The Foundation 1000, 2005-2006, Foundation Center
* The Foundation Directory, 2005, Foundation Center
* Foundation Center’s Guide to Grantseeking on the Web, 2003, Foundation Center
Q: I would like to learn more about investing. Do you have any recommendations on websites or books that I can peruse?
A: Yes! There are a number of resources that will help you learn more about the world of investing.
BigCharts Stock Quotes: www.bigcharts.com
Obtain stock quotes – current & historical, market news, reports on top & low performers & portfolio management. FREE registration required to use portfolio management tool.
Dow Jones MarketWatch: www.marketwatch.com
Stock market news and commentary, portfolio management/ investor tools, newsletters and research. Good resource for “up-to-the-minute” news on the financial sector.
NASDAQ Site: www.nasdaq.com
Information on specific stocks, overall market activity, extended trading and contains various investor tools. Also contains historical market announcements.
NYSE: www.nyse.com
Offers information on the NYSE market, the NYSE organization and provides lists of the companies that are included on the NYSE.
National Consumer League: Investment Fraud Tips: www.fraud.org/tips/internet/investment.htm
List of tips to help avoid investment fraud. Also includes tips on telemarketing fraud.
Online Investing Education Site: http://www.investingonline.org
Offers specific guidance for new and “seasoned” investors. Also contains a simulation center where you can learn how margin accounts work & find out what it’s like to trade stock online.
To search for more books on investing, use a Keyword search in the Capital Area District Library catalog using the terms “stocks”, “investments”, or “investment analysis”.
Investing Online for Dummies ~ 332.60285 Sindell
Ahead Of The Market: The Zacks Method For Spotting Stocks Early–In Any Economy ~ 332.6322 Zacks
How Charts Can Help You In The Stock Market ~ 332.632042 Jiler
Keys To Investing In Common Stocks ~ 332.63223 Apostolou
The Holt-Delhi branch of the Capital Area District Library will also be offering a class on “Investment Fundamentals” January 24, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. that you may find of interest.