
Most Interesting and Influencial 2008: JaNice Marshall, M.A., CTACC

JaNice Marshall, M.A., CTACC
Department Chair for the Environmental, Design & Building Technologies Department
Lansing Community College

JaNice Marshall has spent nearly 25 years dedicated to the life, career, academic, and spiritual development of students and adults nationwide. 

Currently, she is the Department Chair for the Environmental, Design & Building Technologies Department in the Technical Careers Division at Lansing Community College.  Her administrative responsibilities include overseeing 10 technical programs (Alternative Energy, Architectural Technology,  Civil Technology, Fashion Technology, Geographic Information Systems,  Horticulture,  Interior Design, Landscape Architecture Technology, Precision Agriculture, and  Residential Building) that address the undergraduate and secondary students’ interests and career aspirations.  She provides direct supervision and guidance in professional development, and teaching improvement activities to over 100 faculty members.

JaNice maintains research interests in areas involving education policy, career, workforce and professional development, partnership enhancements, grant and alternative issues in funding for K- 16 public institutions, innovative high school dropout/drop-in initiatives, and student success for minorities, women, low-income and first generation students, and student athletes.

She has delivered innovative personal and leadership development activities to teachers, counselors, senior citizens, athletic and youth groups.  JaNice is a Certified Professional Coach and soon to be Registered Corporate Coach specializing in life, career, and executive business and relationship issues. She is pursing a Ph.D. in Biblical Counseling:  Global Crisis Issues Affecting Women and will complete coursework by August 2008.

JaNice has been the recipient of many awards and has been recognized as an expert in Career Development, Planning and Guidance issues.  She has consulted with many organizations and school districts across the State of Michigan, nationally and internationally on occupational and related issues; product and program design for K – 16 students, parents, counselors, teachers, administrators and workers either unemployed, under-employed or in mismatched industries.  She is active on several boards and organizations and is involved in volunteer service throughout Mid-Michigan.