
A message about the current state of newspapers and where TNCP stands.

By Rina N. Risper
President & Publisher
The New Citizens Press

LANSING, MI — Happy New Year to all of our readers. The economic crisis has gripped Americans tighter than we have ever seen it.  As you must have heard by now, larger newspapers are being hard hit as well.   We’re in a recession.

We aren’t unlike the larger newspapers but smaller community newspapers serve a noble cause.  We aren’t Associated Press based so we don’t bring you cookie cutter news.

We attempt to bring you more news about issues directly impact you. In order for us to continue to serve you, we need for you to support us as well.  Long gone are the days where newspapers can advertise for you for nothing.  The price of paper and gas is rising.

Larger advertisers such as Cooley Law School, Michigan State University, Ingham County, Meijer, Wharton Center, Macy’s, Board of Water and Light, Sparrow Hospital, Ingham Regional and a host of others should be advertising with the niche publications.  Our rates are reasonable and we go above and beyond for our readers and customers.  Where are the job postings from these institutions as well? 

If they were to advertise on a regular basis we’d be able to compete for national advertising dollars.  Someone has to step up.  The Lansing State Journal recently laid off 40 people.  After they printed the salaries of state workers, their subscriptions dropped substantially.  Our subscriptions haven’t increased like they should have.

Smaller community newspapers are going to be the face of the new millennium.  If there are no computers or internet, the newspaper will be your information source.  What happens to your life when newsprint disappears? 

The media mammoth Tribune Media Services has filed for bankruptcy.  We just started printing several new columns that we’ll no longer be able to print.  The  syndication of George Rush and Joanna Rush Molloy’s Entertainment column, has stopped  effective immediately.

The Suze Orman syndication will no longer be a part of our line-up.  However, we decided to do something innovative and asked Option One a local bank to write about financial issues for us. 

If you aren’t satisfied with our choices, just call us and we’ll consider make changes.

We need salespersons to assist us with our growth, there is an ad for representatives on page 7.  If you’re looking for something to supplement your income and you’ve sales skills, we need you.

We’ve started printing articles from Billy Graham for our religious readers.  We’d welcome short pieces from our local religious leaders as well.

If you haven’t noticed, we’re here for everyone.  I’ve been slacking too.  Now’s not the time.  I’ve some really interesting stories to tell you.  I think since the death of my father, I’ve been in a vacuum.  I’ve retreated from the world in a way so that I’d be more prepared when I wrote this.

We’re not printing goodwill stories about people because they ask, it’s because they deserve it.  If we aren’t printing about some, it’s because we don’t know.  Sometimes we don’t print because one individual is over exposed in another newspaper.  There are media hogs who will do almost anything to get in front of the media.

I need readers to tell us where we’re not delivering, our staff is friendly.  Just call or e-mail us. Ask the store why they don’t carry The New Citizens Press. We need silent foot soldiers.

We’ve given to many and will be doing a recap of the organizations that we’ve supported.  This year be a deliberate and steady thinker.  We want you to be steadfast in accomplishing your dreams regardless of the roadblocks.  Most have seen apartheid outlawed and  the Berlin Wall come down.  On the other side, we’ve seen many atrocities, 9-11 and the Mumbai attacks.  We’ve witnessed the fury of mother nature in Louisiana’s Katrina and Malaysia’s tsunami.

It’s time for us to emerge victorious and support each other.  Support each other, with kind words and deeds.  For those who are overworked say, “No”.  For those who’ve never been involved get involved, even if it’s to only help rake the young mother’s yard or shovel her snow.

We’ve some great things planned for you in 2009.  We want to hear from you.