
A new perspective on living a stress free life

Living life with stress is not good for the mind, body or soul. Damage can be done to our bodies when stress is present. The Mayo Clinic states stress that’s left unchecked can contribute to health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. Our bodies are not made to handle this type of stress. Demands on our life are increasing in the area of work, family, life, and even money issues.   Not only do we feel stress in our lives but the stress of the economy and the future causes one to think there is little hope.  I actually read an article in the newspaper that not having a job today is the new norm. That’s stressful!  Stress will always be a part of our life but it can be managed.

The solution is right in front of us but sometimes we dont perceive it. Problems and issues create stress. If we did not have them, there would be none. It would be nice if we could give all of our problems away. To whom can we give these problems to? Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-29, Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  Jesus wants your issues and ultimately refreshes you at the same time with a new perspective.  As a result of having a new perspective, your stress level will decline and eventually disappear. The new perspective is that you no longer have to handle those issues alone but can depend on Him to teach and guide you in those painful areas. Sometimes the direction will be specific.  The other time, He will direct you to do nothing until He changes the situation.  So instead of figuring out lifes toughest issues, wait on Him to provide a fresh perspective. It takes only a few minutes.

Jesus came to trade your problems for his peace. Psalm 37:3-4 states, Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord and he will give you your hearts desires Place all issues and problems in His hands.  By doing so, you will receive peace and prosperity for your daily living.  I was speaking with a gentleman some time ago.  He told me that he does not bother God with small problems. He figured that God has bigger ones to fix. He has become frustrated with those issues.  He has forgotten that God cares about his issue whether big or small. I told him that all we are required to do is to trust God and listen to His voice for the next direction.  Peace will be his if he trusts Him. The result – He will get the desires of his heart. The desires are the solutions that are causing life toughest problems. Expectations and stress will always be a part of life; we are not exempt.  Issues will arise every day. Most importantly, will you trade your problems for a new perspective?

Cedric Dukes is an author and speaker and can be contacted at www.cedricdukes.com.