By Reference Librarian Anne R.
Wow, what a tax season already! The Federal and Michigan forms and booklets were delayed due to la
te tax legislation by Congress, but they have finally arrived at the Downtown Lansing Library. Stop in during our open hours, or call (517) 367-6346 to see if we have the specific forms you need.
Please be aware note that all 1099 forms must be obtained from the IRS or an office supply store such as
Here’s some important information for people who prefer to receive their forms by mail. The IRS and the state of Michigan will no longer automatically mail forms and instructions, which has made people think they can’t get them in the mail at all. But you can still get forms and booklets mailed to you on request; call the IRS at 1-(800) 829-3676, or the Michigan Treasury at (517) 636-4486.
Looking for help filing your taxes? Free ta
x help is available for those with low income, and for all seniors regardless of income. Call 211 or 1-866-561-2500 to schedule an appointment. Although the Downtown Lansing Library is one of several sites where appointments take place, we do not make, cancel or check appointments. we do not site for free help but there others in the area. Call 211 for all of your tax questions and appointments.
There is little good news this tax season: because of the Emancipation Day holiday in Washington, D.C.,
Federal and Michigan filing dates have been extended to April 18.
Although the library can’t offer tax advice, we have books you may be interested in such as: J.K. Lasser’s Your Income Tax, The Ernst & Young Tax Guide, J.K. Lasser’s Small Business Taxes and Tax Savvy For Small Business.
For more information, visit our tax page at www.cadl.org. Click on “Research Tools” in the left-side menu, then click on “Tax” in the list.
The Capital Area District Library Reference Department is located at 401 S. Capitol Avenue in Lansing, MI. Contact them at (517) 367-6346 or by e-mail at reference@cadl.org.