

By Anir Senyah
The New Citizens Press

LANSING, MI –   ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) is  a neighborhood association that knocks on doors to find out what changes need to be made in the community.    ACORN is the nation’s largest community organization of low- and moderate-income families, working together for social justice and stronger communities.
   Nancy Kruger is a resident in the Walnut area, just west of Old Town, who decided to express her concerns when ACORN knocked on her door. Her dilemma is that she cannot travel down the sidewalks because of the deplorable conditions of the sidewalks.
     Carrie Guzman, who lives on Capital Avenue is the organizer of ACORN, said that their priority is to go door to door and actually listen and do something about issues.  She was a member of ACORN member is the 1980’s when she heard they were back in town trying to up the Minimum Wage.  She has PhD in Community Development and a MSW. 
     Kruger said that less than a week after expressing her concerns  through ACORN an appointment was set for a meeting.  Taking the hands on approach, Kruger showed City of Lansing Public Service employees, Neal Galehouse and Chris Johnston just how difficult it is to maneuver a wheelchair down the sidewalk.
     Fifteen neighbors gathered at the corner of W. Grand River and Pine.  There were concerns for wagon riders, bicycle riders and those who push carriages since the area in question is sandwiched in between two public bus stops. 
   After the meeting,Lansing Public Safety Department indicated that they will be patching the extremely deteriorated areas and will assess other long term resolutions in the future.
     The neighbors said that if it was not taken care of they would sign a petition.