

By Skye Conner
The New Citizens Press

LANSING, MI–Francine Watts who is the coordinator for the Kinship Care program at Allen Neighborhood Center located at 1617 E. Kalamazoo St.  wants employees and employers at other companies to think about a different type of giving this year.  Ms. Watts and her group say that they need basic  supplies like, envelopes, stamps, tape, copy paper and ledgers pads and they would make a great gift to her organization.  She hopes that some one would be kind enough to donate bigger items such as a shredder. 
Given the current economic state, kinship care can put more of a strain on a family.  Kinship care is the provision of full-time nurturing and protection of children by adults other than parents who have a family relationship bond with the children. Most of the time, this nurturing and protection is provided by grandparents when original families are torn apart by economic hardship, substance abuse, domestic violence, incarceration, death, mental and physical illness, AIDs, and child abuse and neglect.  More recently, military deployment keeps many grandparents working well beyond retirement.
Watts hopes that people will consider doing something while doing their holiday shopping or holiday parties and Adopt-A-Non-Profit.  Her concept is to have businesses call non-profits and find out what kind of supplies they need and donate them to a non-profit.  Watts says that even though her organizations needs help, there are others who should benefit from this program.
"If ten people  If you need more information, call 517-485-7630 and for Francine Watts or The Kinship Care program.