
ADVISORY and UPDATE: Lansing Fire Still At Scene of Fire at St. Vincent


Lansing Fire continues to work to extinguish all ares of fire at St. Vincent de Paul building. The cause is still under investigation and will be for quite some time. That info will be available as it comes. This will be an ongoing event with further updates. No injuries to civilians and a minor injury to a firefighter on scene not requiring treatment at this time. The building is likely a total loss with complete loss to all items inside.
This was a significant event/fire requiring most all of Lansing Fires on duty crews to attack this fire. Crews are being rotated throughout the event. A building engineer is enroute to determine a plan for what actions need to take place in reference to the integrity and future of the building. This fire comes at a very difficult time being so close to Christmas.
Many families will be directly affected by this tradgedy. Please begin to think of what items in your home you could donate to help St. Vincent’s get back on their feet. The mayors office and directors for St. Vincents are currently working to find a possible relocation building for items to be donated. This will be available as soon as we have a location determined. Well Lansing it is time to rally together and help St. Vincents get back on their feet! More info to come.
UPDATE: Lansing Fire has determined a point of origin in this mornings fire. Preliminary results are it appears accidental. Crews are still there with excavators tearing building apart for safety reasons. St. Vincents staff is still working for a new drop off location for new donations. This will be released when available.