
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Sponsors Community Workshop and Forum

LANSING, MI – On Wednesday, October 12th, from 6:00-8:00pm, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Delta Tau Omega Chapter will host a community workshop and forum entitled “Moving from Advocacy to Action: What Every Citizen should Know About the State of Michigan Budget.” The event will take place in Room 235 Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road, East Lansing, MI. 

Given the challenging economic times that citizens are facing in the State of Michigan, Delta Tau Omega Chapter is presenting this workshop to provide the community with a detailed overview of the State budget and policy initiatives that are impacting taxes, pensions, K-12 and higher education, and assistance for the unemployed. Jeff Guilfoyle, President of the Citizens Research Council of Michigan, will be our featured speaker. 

Light refreshments will be provided. Admission is free, but space is limited. So, please RSVP your intent to attend by Monday, October 10th at 5:00pm. 

Delta Tau Omega chapter was chartered in Lansing, Michigan on December 17, 1947.  In the chapter’s 64-year history, it has been committed to service through civic, religious, political, and educational endeavors.  Delta Tau Omega has sponsored numerous political action forums, mentors girls in the greater Lansing area, and volunteers at local shelters and agencies. Additionally, the chapter has given over $110,000 in college scholarships to area Lansing high school seniors; and donates generously to the United Negro College Fund, NAACP, American Red Cross, and the Lansing Food Bank.  The chapter was the catalyst behind the naming of Vivian Riddle Middle School in Lansing.  The chapter’s signature programs are the Graduating Senior Salute Scholarship Luncheon, the Sister-2-Sister Conference, and Gourmet Gents. 

For further information and to RSVP, contact: Nettavia D. Curry, Connection Chairman, Delta Tau Omega Chapter at  517-798-6147 or akadtoconnect@gmail.com.

This was printed in the October 9, 2011 – October 22, 2011 Edition.