
An Answer to a Cry for Help: Mental Health First Aid

A helpful training is available for those who want to learn how to deal with a possible mental health crisis.

 Mental Health First Aid Training (MHFAT) is twelve hours of training for anyone in the community whether it is a family member, an employer, a Senator, a pastor, or a neighbor who would like to understand and be prepared when they see a possible crisis coming on or hear the cry for help. The training equips persons to be able to provide help to individuals who may be developing a mental health problem or experiencing a crisis from their already existing mental health diagnosis until professional treatment is received or the crisis resolves.

Persons receiving this training will be given an overview of mental health problems including depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, substance use disorders, and eating disorders. Trainees will also get an overview of first aid for mental health crisis situations, and also for non-crisis situations.

“This training is important especially with recent incidents portraying mental health in negative way. I believe people need to understand the truth verses myths, and instead of distancing one’s self from a possible a mental health issue, those who have been trained will feel confident to step in and help others who are struggling which in turn may help prevent a mental health crisis”, commented Judy Hazle who is the Community Education Liaison for the Community Mental Health Authority of Clinton, Eaton, Ingham Counties, also the Pastor of Shepardsville United Methodist Church in Ovid, Michigan.

A member of the faith community in Maryland who attended a MHFAT class commented “A course very much needed in today’s society”.

Mental Health First Aiders learn to apply a single strategy in helping someone through a panic attack, engaging with someone who may be suicidal, supporting a person experiencing psychosis and helping an individual who has overdosed. In practicing the intervention strategy, Mental Health First Aiders learn the risk factors and warning signs of specific illnesses such as anxiety, depression, psychosis and addiction; engage in experiential activities that build understanding of the impact of illness; and learn information about evidence-based treatment and support – ultimately building participants’ mental health ‘literacy’.

The Mental Health First Aid program is an interactive 12 hour session. Community Mental Health Authority of Clinton Eaton Ingham Counties will be offering classes throughout 2013 with two of our four certified instructors at each class. Two sessionsare scheduled for January 31-February 1 (9:00 am – 4:00 pm each day) and March 5-6 (9:00 am – 4:00 pm each day). The cost of the class is $20.00. Lunch is provided both days. Class is limited to 20 seats each. The sessions will both be held at the Community Mental Health building at 812 E. Jolly Rd, Lansing.

There are three ways to register: first session register on-line at http://cmhmentalhealthfirstaid.eventbrite.com/; second session register on-line at http://mentalhealthfirstaidtrainingsessionii.eventbrite.com, email Judy Hazle at hazle@ceicmh.org, or phone 517-346-8238. The $20.00 fee will be collected the first day of class.-2

This was printed in the January 13, 2013 – January 26, 2013 Edition