
As I See It? 4-11


By Wendy Weiss

      Recently I had a conversation with a friend of mine. She is a former, highly successful model who is now building a highly successful network marketing business. As we are both entrepreneurs, we talk a lot about our businesses, we egg each other on, give each other advice, commiserate…
      My friend was feeling frustrated. "Amateurs," she said. "I’m tired of dealing with amateurs."
      I knew what she meant. A professional is someone who shows up, no matter what. A professional is someone who gets the job done, no matter what. A professional is someone who does what she needs to do, when she needs to do it, no matter what.
     An amateur is someone who lets circumstances, other people and emotions get in the way.
     As my friend put it, "When you’re a model, if you have a saggy butt, they tell you that you have a saggy butt. Then they tell you to go away. If you want it enough, you fix your saggy butt and go back."
     I grew up in the ballet world. It’s very much the same. You take class everyday with a teacher whose job it is to criticize you. The criticism is to help you improve, but some times it just feels like criticism. You dance in front of a big mirror. This is so that you can criticize yourself.
     As an adolescent and even a young professional, I’ve been called "a cow" because of a few extra pounds. I’ve had teachers hit an errant arm or leg with a stick because that arm or leg was in the wrong position. (No, they weren’t singling me out, they hit everyone.) I’ve lost dance jobs because I was too tall, too short, or had the wrong color hair. Those of you who read my book, "Cold Calling for Women," know that as a teenager I was not accepted into the renowned Harkness Ballet School because my back was too long. (They told my dad I was a very good dancer, but…) When I cut my hair short (it used to be down to my waist so that I could put it up in a classical ballet bun) I never again, got another job as a ballet dancer. And by the way, when you go to a dance audition they don’t let you dance. They simply line you up and look at you and then start eliminating dancers. Once they’re done eliminating, the dancers that are left get to actually dance.
     When I first started doing sales training and clients would talk to me about rejection and fear of rejection I had no idea what they were talking about. As
the years have gone by and I’ve worked with more and more clients I do understand that those feelings are real.
     Sales can be a tough world. Everyone will not love you or your product or service. Everyone will not say "yes." Sometimes in sales training brochures or on our web sites we get carried away and write, "Overcome every objection!"
     "Turn every ‘no’ into ‘yes!’" The stark reality is that will not happen every time. Some prospects will say "no." A career in sales is not for the weak.
     The key to success is what you do with that "no." You can allow it to stop you, or you can put it aside and continue on. The power is entirely yours. If there
are people in the world having success doing exactly what you want to be doing, there is no reason that you cannot do it too.
     Being a professional starts with your mind set, that you believe in what you are selling and that you do not give other people, circumstances or even your own thoughts and emotions the power to stop you. Or as my friend put it, "If you want it enough, you fix your saggy butt and go back."
     Wendy Weiss, "The Queen of Cold Calling & Selling Success," is a sales trainer, author and sales coach. Her recently released, self-study program, Cold Calling College, along with her book, Cold Calling for Women, can be ordered by calling  toll-free (866) 405-8212 or visiting http://www.wendyweiss.com. Contact her at wendy@wendyweiss.com. Get her free e-zine at http://www.wendyweiss.com.