
As I See It 8-11


By Melik

“Lansing sucks.” I have heard that for years about the Lansing area and I believed it. People would talk about how there is nothing to do. I began to realize that I just was not looking in the right places. Within the last few years there has been a surge of various forms of entertainment. I know, I know, we are a long way from being a great Mecca such as Los Angeles, New York City or Atlanta but I am one that definitely appreciates what Lansing has to offer for little cost. The beauty of being in a small city with big city attributes is cheaper cost of living, ease of travel, convenience and opportunity.

I really enjoy the convenience of what I call the small big town of Lansing. I appreciate that I can be fifteen minutes from most things and twenty minutes from anywhere else that I need to go. How fortunate am I that I live just five minutes away from both of my jobs? I have to remember to check myself on those rare occasions that it takes me a whopping eight minutes to get to work. Like this morning, when I was stopped by a short train and was stuck behind a dump truck. Those two factors added a torturous two minutes. However, I was still able to go from house to desk in ten minutes.

If I am hungry and do not want to cook I have a plethora of eating establishments to choose from. I have been in the same neighborhood for over a decade and I still have not ventured into some of the establishments near my home. There is the Ethiopian Cuisine restaurant that I should just bite the bullet and give it a try. It has been there for years, there must be something on the menu that I would be willing to try. There is everything from fast food joints to fine dining all within walking distance. I am two and one half miles from the State Capital Building. Along the way I have a blues bar, a Wi-Fi café, a tea house, a hospital, a TV station, a print shop, a scuba shop, coffee shops, a flower shop, drug stores, and churches. If I were to go east I have a grocery store, a video store, craft shops, office supply store, a coin store, and other specialty stores. Each Wednesday there is an Allen Street Farmers Market with all kinds of special treats. Lansing City Market has been a great place to find interesting gifts.

Then there are the several parks I could visit. Some have basketball courts. I am less than a ten minute drive from Hawk Island Park and the dog park. I am just off of the Riverwalk Trail. Potter Park Zoo is just close enough to where it would probably be quicker to drive but a nice walk to the zoo would definitely be feasible.
Lansing also has entertainment galore. What other small town like this has the privilege of having professional stage productions at two different venues? I could check out a small theater downtown or see a show as involved as any Broadway production on campus. There are several community theaters in the area including a children’s theater. There is live comedy just to the North of me. Live musical performances all around me. Even with the city’s budget woes I am still near a city golf course. There are plenty of private courses that are available too. And of course if I do not have a real destination in mind sometimes getting on the motorcycle and meandering around is pleasurable enough. Going to get meal on the motorcycle could turn into a day of enjoyment.

Whenever I hear someone complain about our little town Lansing I just shake my head as I remember when I used to be less informed. I usually ask the person what they like to do and can give them lots of options for whatever is their poison. I like Lansing. It has been good to me. I have gotten a lot of enjoyment from the privilege of experiencing the city and all that it has to offer.

For more contact
melik_2001 @ yahoo.com