
As I See It 8-17

I like eggs. I like fried eggs. I really like sunny side up eggs but I do not make them that often. I am kind of impatient and it is sometimes difficult to get the whites done when trying to do sunny side up. If you cover the egg to help cook the whites it seems to make them more like poached eggs. I do not really care for poached eggs. However, if you pair a couple of poached eggs with a great sauce you will have a delicious experience. There is nothing like a great breakfast of Eggs Benedict. I guess that is if you can handle the runny yellow and rich sauce first thing in the morning. I know a lot of people that cannot. I find people’s details with food very interesting. I do not particularly care for scrambled eggs but that has nothing to do with taste or how they feel in my mouth. Yes, food texture is very important to me. When I was a kid living in my parent’s house my mother used to make breakfast on the weekends. If I failed to wake in time for breakfast my mother would “save me a plate”. Heating up scrambled eggs was difficult and made less than desirable results. To this day I prefer any egg I am about to munch on to go almost immediately from the pan, to the plate, onto my fork and into my salivating mouth. Eggs cool very quickly and I am a slow eater. I need all the time I can get to make sure there is some heat left by the time I am finishing my egg.

I do not drink tea. I never acquired the taste for it. I have learned you can tell a lot about a person on how they order their tea. There are some stereotypes that can help in determining a person’s age, race and what region of the country they are from. A black person will ask for a flavored tea, like a raspberry tea. A person from the South will ask for a sweet tea and will absolutely insist that if the sweetener is not brewed with the tea than it is not worth drinking. A person that is from North of the Mason-Dixon line will probably want to sweeten their tea themselves. And if you are a retired female then hot tea is more your style. A traditional tea drinker will ask for an Earl Grey tea. While a nouveau connoisseur might delve into a Kamiya Papaya Oolong tea. Oolong? Then there is the disguised tea, hot toddy anyone? I would say that is a lot of work to have some brandy or scotch. I am not judging, I am just saying if that was your route I think you may be cancelling out your antioxidant benefits.

I recently read a book titled “Civil Rights Childhood” written by Jordana Y. Shakoor. It is a memoir told by a father and a daughter in Mississippi about living before and during the Civil Rights Movement. The book is very interesting firsthand account about the many changes that happened during this time, very much worth the read. It caused me to wonder how soul food became soul food. It seems to me that what some people were able to nourish themselves with during this time was food that was one step away from being something fed to the pigs. I do not mean any disrespect, however. It is exciting to me how a people were able to take what would seem to be scraps and turn it into something sought after for generations and by many types of people. Heck, it seems soul food could be a lifestyle. I do not know if I could ever revisit chitterlings though.

What does what you eat say about you?  Thanks for your time.

~Melik melik_2001 @ yahoo.com