
Ask the Business Librarian 7-15

By Liz Kudwa

A:    This is a great question and one that I receive often.  For small business owners, this is probably one of the greatest challenges.  They often don’t have enough money to pay a web designer/developer and often lack the full knowledge needed to fully optimize their website themselves.  What you want to do is commonly referred to as “search engine optimization” or SEO.  SEO sets your website up so that search engines like Google and Yahoo will find it more easily, thereby making it easier for your potential customers to find it.  We have several books in our collection that can help you better understand what SEO is and how to make it work for your website.

o    Search Engine Optimization For Dummies by Peter Kent
o    Search Engine Optimization: An Hour A Day by Jennifer Grappone
o    Get To The Top On Google: Search Engine Optimization And Website Promotion Techniques To Get Your Site To The Top Of The Search Engine Rankings by David Viney
o    Ultimate Guide To Google Adwords: How To Access 100 Million People In 10 Minutes by Perry Marshall and Bryan Todd
o    Google Advertising Tools by Harold Davis

In addition, there is an excellent article from Business Week’s June/July 2008 publication SmallBiz that talks about how to get your website to pop up at the top of search engine results.  There are seven key aspects on which to focus.

1.    Pay attention to the title of your home page!  Titles are important to search engines and should give as much detail as possible about what you sell.  Researching keywords is one good way to get the most appropriate words into your title.  Check out www.goodkeywords.com for free assistance.
2.    Your domain name should specify exactly what you sell.  Search engines look for keywords in a domain name that are related to the products or services for which a user is searching.
3.    Blogging! Search engines like to see fresh content.  One way to provide this is by starting a web log, or blog.  Consider putting your blog on your own website (not with a hosted service) so that keywords appearing in the blog help your ranking.
4.    Use keywords throughout your website…but not too often. Use keywords to describe pictures and services more clearly.  But bear in mind that endlessly repeating keywords is a frowned-upon practice known as “stuffing”.  Search engines will think you’re a spammer if you “stuff”.
5.    ”Blue Light Special”. This is another opportunity to add fresh content to your site…and score with search engines.  Include information about weekly specials and encourage people to sign up for a newsletter.
6.    Pictures…Search engines CANNOT see images or videos so every image or picture of your product/service should get a short description.  It’s also a good idea to add text about each image in the site’s coding.
7.    Provide a site map.  Search engines use software called bots to search your site. A site map will help them find their way.

The extra scoop…

Much as we might like to ignore it, Fall is approaching quickly.
We have many business programs scheduled at the Library this Fall and I’d like to give you a sneak peak at what’s scheduled.


– Start It Up Entrepreneur Club, Monday, August 25th, 5:30 pm, South Lansing Library; Topic: Marketing Tips for Your Small Business

– Business Start-Up Basics, Thursday, September 18, 6 pm, Holt-Delhi Library; Presented by counselor from the Michigan Small Business & Technology Development Center (MI-SBTDC)
– Start It Up Entrepreneur Club, Monday, September 22, 6 pm, Okemos Library; Topic: TBD


 – Market Research I: What is Market Research and instruction in how to create a market profile; Presented by the Business Librarian and MI-SBTDC

Wednesday, October 1, 6 pm, Okemos Library
 – Are You an Entrepreneur?  Do you have the right personality to be a successful entrepreneur?; Presented by the Business Librarian and a representative from Option 1 Credit Union
Thursday, October 2, 6 pm, Downtown Lansing Library
 – Writing a Business Plan, Part I; Presented by a counselor from the MI-SBTDC
Tues, Oct 7, 5:30 pm, Mason Library
 – Market Research II: Creating a customer profile and instruction in using the BusinessDecision database; Presented by Business Librarian and MI-SBTDC
Wed, Oct 8, 6 pm, Okemos Library
 – Market Research III: Creating a competitor profile and instruction in using the ReferenceUSA database; Presented by Business Librarian and MI-SBTDC
Wed, Oct 15, 6 pm, Okemos Library
– Semi Annual Business Breakfast: Ten Steps to Creating a Successful Small Town
Some small towns teeter on the brink of extinction while others enjoy enviable prosperity. Dave Ivan, County Extension Director for Clinton County will share the results of his research involving nearly 200 communities in eight states, including Michigan. He will share his findings and the "10 Keys for Success" that can unlock the potential of our own small towns. Registration required by calling (517) 347-2021.
Fri, Oct 17, Breakfast at 8 am, Program at 8:30 am
– Writing a Business Plan, Part II; Presented by a counselor from the MI-SBTDC
Tues, Oct 21, 5:30 pm, Mason Library
– Start It Up Entrepreneur Club, Mon., Oct 27, 5:30 pm, South Lansing Library; Topic: TBD

– Start It Up Entrepreneur Club, Mon, Nov 3, 6 pm, Okemos Library; Topic: TBD
– Your Company’s Financial Health, Thurs, Nov 6, 6 pm, Downtown Lansing Library; Presented by representatives from the MI-SBTDC and Option 1 Credit Union

Elizabeth Kudwa  is the Business Reference Librarian at the Capital Area District Library located at 401 S. Capitol Avenue in Lansing, MI.  Contact her at 517-367-6301 or by e-mail at kudwae@cadl.org.