
Ask The Business Reference Librarian! 4-25


Q: I’m looking for a new job and am wondering what the “hot jobs” for 2006 will be?
A: As a matter of fact, there is a list of “hot jobs” for 2006 which can be found on the careerbuilder.com website.  The data to create the list comes from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and is based on number of forecasted new jobs needed by 2014.  All earnings are averages from November 2005 BLS information.  The top 10 jobs are listed here.  For the rest of the list, visit http://www.careerbuilder.com/JobSeeker/CareerBytes/Articles.aspx and look under the heading of “Job Search”.
1.   Retail Salesperson
What it pays: $22,880
Minimum training needed: Short-term on-the-job training
New jobs by 2014: 736,000
2.   Registered Nurse
What it pays: $55,680
Minimum training needed: Associate degree
New jobs by 2014: 703,000
3. Postsecondary Teacher
What it pays: $62,032
Minimum training needed: Doctoral degree
New jobs by 2014: 524,000
4. Customer Service Rep
What it pays: $29,350
Minimum training needed: Moderate-term on-the-job training
New jobs by 2014:  471,000
5. Janitor or Cleaner (except maids and housekeeping cleaners)
What it pays: $20,800
Minimum training needed: Short-term on-the-job training
New jobs by 2014: 440,000
6. Waiter/Waitress
What it pays: $15,980
Minimum training needed: Short-term on-the-job training
New jobs by 2014: 376,000
7.CombinationFood Preparation and Serving Worker
What it pays: $17,850
Minimum training needed: Short-term on-the-job training
New jobs by 2014: 367,000
8. Home Health Aide
What it pays: $19,200
Minimum training needed: Short-term on-the-job training
New jobs by 2014: 350,000
9. Nursing Aid, Orderly, Attendant
What it pays: $21,890
Minimum training needed: Postsecondary vocational award
New jobs by 2014: 325,000
10. General and Operations Manager
What it pays: $93,580
Minimum training needed: Bachelor’s degree plus work
New jobs by 2014: 308,000
Q: I was recently laid off from a company where I thought I would work until I was ready to retire.  Of course, this has been very hard.  Do you have any suggestions on how I can get through this difficult time?
A: Careerbuilder.com has a wonderful article by Don Straits, CEO of CorporateWarriors.com, which talks about the various emotional stages of job loss.  Understanding these stages may better help you deal with your situation.  A summary of the stages is below.  For the full article please visit http://www.careerbuilder.com/JobSeeker/careerbytes/CBArticle.aspx?articleID=243&sc_cmp1=JS_Articles_JobSee.
    Suffering the loss of a job can be an emotionally wrenching experience. Regardless of the reason, it is usually difficult to understand. Extensive research has demonstrated a consistent pattern that is exhibited in the following:
     1. Denial. You want to believe that it won’t happen to you. But too often you are fooling yourself. It is the wise employee who recognizes what is coming and begins the process of seeking a new opportunity.
   2. Disbelief. When the day comes and you receive your discharge, the first reaction is “I can’t believe it. They have made a mistake. They will call me back.” But you really know they won’t, which leads you into the next stage.
     3. Outward Anger. The anger may take many different forms. It may be directed toward your boss: “How stupid can he/she possibly be?” Or to the company, the economy, or any other convenient outlet for your anger. Sometimes, unfortunately, it is directed toward family members and friends, resulting in high stress and tension for everyone. As your outward anger subsides, you start to move into the next stage.
     4. Inward Self-Criticism. This is the most difficult stage. You may begin to blame yourself for what happened: “What did I do wrong? How did I fail? I must not be any good.” Typically, this is when your self-worth and self-confidence begin to wane and you reach the onset of stage five.
       5. Withdrawal. All of a sudden you find every excuse to avoid contact with the external world. You experience periods of depression. You stop your usual social activities. Your physical activity declines. You start to gain weight. UGH. It is at this point that your inner strength and family support are most important. You begin to think through what has happened and stage six begins to unfold.
6. Reflection. Being depressed is no fun and that extra twenty pounds doesn’t look good either. It is time to do something about it. You begin to take stock of your life and career abilities. “What should I do now? Where do my talents best fit? How do I conduct my search? Now, instead of looking back, you start to look forward and move into the final stage.
7. Acceptance. “Hey, it’s not my fault. My company fell on hard times. I am a great person with exceptional talent, so when I land my new job, my new employer is going to get one dynamic, motivated employee. I’m excited. This is a great opportunity for new challenges, new friends, and a whole new positive outlook on life.” You have made it. You have survived the loss of your job. You are now ready to move on to a new challenge.
     It is imperative that you move through each stage as quickly as possible. The individuals who are accustomed to dealing with difficult challenges and high stress situations usually move through the stages within a couple of weeks. For some people, the stages can drag on for months. If you can’t move to “acceptance” quickly, then perhaps you could benefit from professional guidance.