
Be PHREEE: In my solitude

Charissa  says that when you clear your mind you may gain a new perspective about living.
By Charissa Patterson-Martinez
Be comfortable in the quiet of your space and in the uncluttered space of things we partake in. Before you invite the world into yours, be comfortable in your own skin. The world will not come to an end if you choose to sit out and take a five minute break for yourself. So what if you are the only one in your circle that wants to get away for a day or weekend. Go on and take yourself out somewhere. You might enjoy the time you spend with yourself. It may take time but you will be able to hear yourself think and process it without any interruptions.
In the quiet of your space, you may freely meditate and ponder those things that move or inspire you. In your own personal space you may give yourself permission to tune into those things that you miss out on during the day to day hustle and bustle. Be reminded that life is actually pretty good considering all the things going on around you and be thankful for that fact. However if while you ponder, you come to the conclusion that life could be better, then use your quiet time to work it out and later on you can put your plan into action.
In your quiet place, try to de-clutter your head and start anew. Throw out bad views about people and try to take on a new prospective with the benefit of the doubt. You never know, you may find a new way of seeing things in other people.  You may learn to love and respect them for whom they are and where they are at this point in their lives instead of trying to fit them perfectly to the view you created. Our views on people often turn into outright judgments and this particular type of energy is a time waster and blessing blocker for you. This is especially important, since it is not our job to judge anyone.
Your quiet time should be peaceful and within this peaceful time, you should allow yourself the freedom to love you in your own skin despite the hard lessons you may have learned earlier in your life.  Things and people are constantly changing, growing and learning.  Those lessons had to happen in order to assemble the wonderful you that you turned out to be.
You ought to spend more time with yourself.  It will give you an opportunity to learn how to be comfortable in your own skin. That comfort translates to self-confidence.  Begin to assess what you believe your shortfalls are and change them or work on changing them. Before you can be a light in the company of others your own self confidence and self-worth should be ever realized and tapped into by you.
Charissa Patterson-Martinez is a wife, mother, daughter and friend. She is also a motivational speaker and writes about inspiring individuals who seek personal empowerment, enrichment and enlightenment. Charissa is originally from Lansing, MI and currently lives in Lens, Belgium. You can reach her at charissa@bephree.com or on Facebook at Be PHREEE.  P.H.R.E.E.E. stands for  Positive Human Realizing Enlightening, Encouragement,  Empowerment!
This was printed in the September 9, 2012 – September 22, 2012 Edition