
Be PHREEE: Kiss, Kiss, Hello

Charissa  says that a kiss and a bicycle may make you a happier person.
By Charissa Patterson-Martinez
Daily, I see men who work together greet each other with a kiss on each cheek and women who do the same. It is a beautiful thing to witness. Everyone exchanges kisses when you see them for the first time that day. With a start like that, it must be difficult to hold grudges with your coworkers. Even the mail man delivers a kiss every now and then for that matter. (Yes I’ve seen the mail man greet a resident this way). Talk about spreading the love. At my son’s Belgium primary school every morning, there was a lady who pushed a coffee cart from classroom to classroom offering the teachers morning coffee or teas and of course a kiss on the cheek.  
On another occasion, I remember a conversation my husband and I had with a hospital translator. We were speaking about how expensive a trip to the hospital could be for someone in America who for whatever reason did not have health insurance. She looked at us in puzzlement so we assumed we were speaking too fast. She explained that her confusion was that anyone would have to worry about their health care, since those things were provided to all residents. She explained that they may pay higher taxes, but that was because they took care of each other. Recently, as I traveled through the Belgium country side with my family, we came upon an elderly man on his bicycle, as he passed us he called out bonjour. This is hello in French. I remember that he had the most memorable smile. The man looked to be at least 70 years old and the road we were travelling was not any easy road to travel. Shortly after that encounter, we drove by and elderly woman in our car, she too traveled by bicycle. 
I found myself wondering about their lives and what was important to these people. It seemed quite evident to me that loving their fellow man and taking care of each other is important. This group also seemed not to take their bodies for granted and what was capable of doing. These experiences caused me to do a little self -reflecting and assessment. Imagine the shape our bodies could be in with a bit of daily maintenance until we just couldn’t move anymore. Imagine good a feeling we could have if we all just loved one another a little more and wanted to see them off to a good start. Imagine the strength and we could receive all from a little encouraging words. 
Charissa Patterson-Martinez is a wife, mother, daughter and friend. She is also a motivational speaker and writes about inspiring individuals who seek personal empowerment, enrichment and enlightenment. Charissa is originally from Lansing, MI and currently lives in Lens, Belgium. You can reach her at charissa@bephree.com or on Facebook at Be PHREEE.  P.H.R.E.E.E. stands for  Positive Human Realizing Enlightening, Encouragement,  Empowerment!
This was printed in the August 12, 2012 – August 25, 2012 Edition