
Be PHREEE: Really, We Are Not So Different

By Charissa Patterson- Martinez
Most of us are cognizant of other people who exhibit traits that are extremely similar to our own. This can sometimes translate into irritation for that person. Though this may be unfair, unfortunately, this behavior happens quite often. I cannot count how many times I have witnesses two people whom I was so sure would hit it off because of their similarities, totally butt heads in the company of one another.
However, if I asked either of them separately what they thought the problem was she would begin naming all of the character flaws they thought that person had. I usually had to work hard to surpress my laughter as I noted that they just described themselves, or at least, how many people see this individual.
Really, are we so shallow and egotistical that we do not take honest glimpses at ourselves, our own behavior or our reaction to things? Hey, we are human and we are all a work in progress. I believe that it is more important to acknowledge our faults and then decide to do better than to take on a superior attitude of no-fault. We just have to begin checking ourselves as you hear yourself speaking negatively about others.
This may be news to you, but someone else may think that your character flaws are too much to handle for long periods of time. Let’s not take ourselves so seriously. You may even find the humor in how much you are similar we are to one another and with this new light hearted way of thinking, find a renewed attitude toward people. The same people whose character may sometimes get under your skin surely have something likeable about them. Focus on the goodness in people.
Charissa Patterson-Martinez is a wife, mother, daughter and friend. She is also a motivational
speaker and writes about inspiring individuals who seek personal empowerment, enrichment and enlightenment. Charissa is originally from Lansing, MI and currently lives in South Carolina. You can reach her at charissa@bephree.com, follow me on new twitter account bephreee@twitter.com or on
Facebook at Be PHREEE. P.H.R.E.E.E. stands for Positive Human Realizing Enlightening, Encouragement, Empowerment!