
Best, Brightest and Most Beautiful 2005: Joe Petrous

Joe Petrous, Writer, Poet  and Television personality “Mr. Peligro”

Who is Joe P? Some think the P stands for Peligro (danger in Spanish) while others believe it is Petrous (rock)  Joe insists it is neither, but claims it stands somewhere between producer and political.  He says this because he is the President of the L.C.C. AV Production Club. Joe is very active in the community he can been seen on the streets rollerblading between volunteering at Impression 5 Museum, Lansing Jaycees, Bluesfest Jazzfest, or promoting open mics.  He plays Mr. Peligro Hash Pling the highest rated show on WELM, East Lansing Cable Access.  Most 89.7 fm Lansing Public Radio listeners would be familiar him during conversation because Joe worked at WLNZ from 2002-2005.  Joe also has written an article for The New Citizens Press.  In the past three years Joe P. has done many things in the
He escaped the homogony of the Detroit suburbs after high school to “meet creative people and network across the state”.  Joe is receiving his Associate Degree in Media Technology this August.  Joe is completing an internship with Meridian Entertainment Group and the Common Ground Festival to finish his degree requirements.  Joe plans on becoming a “Globe-Trotting Lawyer with a mind and mission”.  What that really means is complex, but simply an entertainment lawyer with a world-wide network of clients and colleagues to do business with.