
Best Brightest and Most Beautiful 2006: Barb Byrum

Barb Byrum
67th District House of
Representatives Candidate

Barb Byrum was raised in Onondaga, so she knows what the people of Ingham County truly care about. As a longtime resident of the area, she understands the values and the issues that matter most to her community and her neighbors.
Barb is active in her community. She owns a business, Byrum Hardware in Charlotte. She is also a past president of the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce. Barb is in her second year of chairing the Ingham County Economic Development Board and serves as secretary of the Ingham County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority Board. She is involved in many Chambers of Commerce throughout the District, as well as with several community groups, such as the Mason Rotary Club. Barb is a board member of the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) and vestry member of St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church in Mason, helping the church with numerous projects such as membership recruitment.
A strong supporter of public education, Barb attended Leslie and Holt public schools. While a student at Leslie High School, Barb attended classes at Lansing Community College. Upon her graduation from high school, she transferred to Michigan State University, where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in Agribusiness Management. Later, Barb received a law degree from the MSU College of Law. Most recently, she serves on the scholarship committee of the Holt-Dimondale School Business Alliance, which gives scholarships to local seniors.  She has also been a visiting reader in local elementary schools and serves as a mentor at Holt High School.
Barb is committed to protecting and preserving Michigan’s natural resources. As an avid scuba diver, Barb understands the importance of ensuring our Great Lakes are clean and healthy. She has helped keep our state greener through her work as the Mid-Michigan Coordinator for Green Michigan and by working to clean up the Grand River through the Adopt-A-River program in Ingham County.
For Barb, family is very important. She married her high school sweetheart, Brad Delaney, an Ingham County Deputy Sheriff, in 2003. Barb has a close relationship with her parents, Dianne and Jim; her brother Jimmy; and her grandmothers. Barb and Brad share their 2-acre home with Grey, a cat Barb found in her parents’ barn, and their dog Liberty, a Golden Retriever.
To contact Barb, call (517) 256-0336, or email her at ByrumForStateRep@aol.com.