
Best Brightest and Most Beautiful 2006: Malika Reynolds Sylvain

Malika Reynolds Sylvain
Manager of Shared Demands

Malika Reynolds Sylvain was raised in East Lansing, Michigan and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from St. Augustine’s College in Raleigh, North Carolina with a major in broadcast communications and a minor in business management.  Her professional experience includes thirteen years of retail and sales management and several years in independent marketing consulting. She is a proud member of Jack and Jill of America and has been a member of Delta Sigma Theta, a community service sorority and organization, for 11 years.
Ms. Sylvain is currently the Branch Manager of Shared Demands, LLC (www.SharedDemands.com   or (517) 272.3600).  Shared Demands is a personal concierge company that provides on-call,  full service, personal assistance, support and organization to busy individuals.  These services are also included in corporate benefit packages and used as a non-traditional employee perk for corporations.  Shared Demands currently provide these services to the employees of BioPort Corporation. This is very beneficial for corporations that are interested in showing their support for a healthy work/life balance.  Studies have show that adding a concierge service as an employee benefit increases employee recruitment and retention.  Instead of employees leaving in the middle of the day to run errands, they can call on Shared Demands’ Time Savers to take care of them.
The services of Shared Demands are a perfect compliment to many companies and industries, as everyone needs an extra hand.  Realtors can add Shared Demands as a benefit to their clients needing a hand with packing, arranging movers and cleaning/decorating the home.  Funeral homes can use Shared Demands as a resource for individuals after someone passes away, as their is a lot to take care in an immediate time frame.  Hotels can use Shared Demands Time Savers to run errands for guests visiting from out of town.  Some of the most popular services Shared Demands’ provides are errand running, grocery shopping, home and office organization/cleaning and preparation and delivery of meals.
Shared Demands also provides gift certificates called The Gift of Time as a unique gift idea for that busy executive, working or new mother, retired baby boomer or elderly parent.    As a proud mother of two girls and a working mom on-the-go, Ms. Sylvain fully appreciates how beneficial Shared Demands’ services are to the greater Lansing community and is proud of and looking forward to growing the company throughout the Mid-Michigan area.