
Best Brightest and Most Beautiful 2006: William L. Brewer II

William L. Brewer II
Owner, Global Business
Resource Group (GBRG)

There are certain people who just have an entrepreneurial spirit. William “Bill” Brewer is one of those people.
In 1997, after working for nearly ten years at Ingham Intermediate School District, Bill decided to step out on his own and start Global Business Resource Group (GBRG). For the last nine years, he has worked with all size organizations from Fortune 500 companies to manufacturing companies to school districts. GBRG provides services in all areas of human resources, from talent recruitment to employee assessment to the development of training programs. William has won several awards for his training programs.
Bill is a graduate of Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio with a degree in Marketing. Originally from Gary, Indiana, Bill settled in Lansing because his wife was attending graduate school at Michigan State University.
Bill is married to Lisa Bond Brewer and the father of three girls. Bill believes in being involved in the community. He is active with Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., Lansing Alumnae Chapter; serves on the board for Capital Area Michigan Works; and is president of the board for CASE Credit Union.