
Best Brightest and Most Beautiful 2007

By Rina Risper
President & Publisher
The New Citizens Press

The New Citizens Press’ 2007 Best Brightest and Most Beautiful were chosen with great care this year.  This is our third edition and each year we ask ourselves can we be surprised anymore about what Lansing and beyond have to offer.  This edition is not about who people think they are to the community but what they are to the community.    This edition also shows that there is a connection between Lansing and other areas of the United States of America.
We watch throughout the year, and along with input from the community we choose, the Best, the Brightest and the most Beautiful.  I could not wait to do this edition.  I have personal stories about some and they will share them with you.  I have seen most of them grow right before my eyes.
We have had people try to buy their way into both Influential and Interesting and Best, Brightest and Most Beautiful.  It will never happen on my watch.
I start with Deana Newman who is by far one of the strongest young women I have met in my life.  I am honored to have the opportunity to speak with her and work with her.  The newspaper is always inundated by requests for help.  Deana and her sorority, The East Lansing Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Chi Epsilon Omega, have always helped out acknowledging that The New Citizens Press cannot do it all.  They hare always there to help, even though I do not belong to a sorority.
Deana also writes the Wellness column on Page 6.  This month she takes a look at organic food.
What can I say about Summer Schriner and Jamie Schriner-Hooper?  This is the first time that we have two sisters in this edition.  I guess this is a year for firsts.  In our  2007 Most Interesting and Influential edition, we had Councilperson, Carol Wood and her mother, community activist, Ruth Hallman in the same edition.
Summer Schriner and Jamie Hooper-Schriner helped hold Old Town together when confronted with the tragic murder of Robert Busby “Old Town’s Unofficial Mayor”.  Professionalism and grace were shown daily during a barrage of controversy, grief and the sense that life had been shaken beyond the norm.  They were two of the people who held it together for all of us.  They will not allow us to forget how much Robert Busby touched all of us.
Eric Rasool is such a great guy.  According to him he is also a great cook too when he is not fighting fires or saving lives.  I smile when I see him riding down the street in the Paramedics truck.  We need to respect our firemen more, they are under a tremendous amount of pressure and have our lives in their hands everyday.
Eric  comes to almost  each and every one of The New Citizens Press’ fundraisers for various non-profit organizations.  He has always been supportive and that is why he is so beautiful.
Pastor Nathan Dixon and Pastor Walter Gibson, I have known for a short period of time.  I know that their leadership and their capacity not to be bought out or sold out is going to take this area to places that they have not been.  Two of the most honorable men of God in this community, are the ones to watch.  This is the first time we have had two pastors in this edition.    Two other  pastors who were featured were Reverend Michael Murphy from St. Stephens Church and Pastor Samuel Duncan from  Lansing Church of God In Christ.  This is a most special edition.
Brian McGrain believes in Lansing and says that he is tired of hearing that there is nothing to do in Lansing.  He says people should participate when there are events going on.  He challenges people to step outside the box and network more.  He promotes one of the best networking events for professionals in this area.
Representative Shanelle Jackson from Detroit was one of the first representatives that I ran across who made me feel welcomed into her space immediately.  She is young, smart and politically astute.  With her in the Michigan House of Representatives, she is someone to watch on the political scene.  I believe that she really cares about the people who have chosen her to represent them.
Michael Blake, originally from New York, has now gone on to Iowa to work for Presidential candidate Obama Barack.  He was employed by the Michigan House of Representatives.  One of Lansing’s own, even though for a short period of time,  Michael is a person that I personally admire and respect immensely.   Michael is always so astute and had a knowledge base that far surpassed many people that I knew.  I was awe-struck by his intensity during any project he was involved in.
Shani Peters, was raised in Lansing, MI and now lives in New York City pursuing a career in Fine Arts.  Her mother, Sharon Peters was featured in our Influential and Interesting edition in 2006.
I could go on and on.  The one thread running through and connecting these people are that they give selflessly to the people that surround them even through personal adversities.
In this edition, it is about not judging books by their covers but giving you an opportunity to open the book and read the pages.  There were two people who were asked as well but they did not submit their information in a timely manner.  So I will allow you to have the chance to have a glimpse into the lives of these 13 fantastic people who have touched The New Citizens Press.
We have also been asked to update some of the past BBB’s. Look for it in a future edition.