
Best Brightest and Most Beautiful 2007: Tammy Pitts


10.  Tammy Pitts
Producer of News 10 Today at WILX-TV 10

Tammy Pitts grew up in Jackson, Michigan.  After graduating from Michigan State University in 2000, she pursued a career in journalism. She is currently the producer of News 10 Today at WILX-TV 10 in Lansing Michigan.
She has been producer of the show for the past seven years, and has enjoyed producing stories people can relate to.
Tammy said, “I really feel I have found my niche. I love producing and working in television. As an African-American member of the media, I am always open to finding stories that educate people about African-Americans. My opinion is Black History is not limited to the month of February. It should be taught every day of the year. “
Tammy’s mother, Shirley Pitts, is the co-founder of the famous Jackson High Black History Tour Group. Tammy used to be a soloist in the group and still helps out from time to time.  The Tour Group travels the country, educating people about the importance of Black History and recently performed at the White House.
One of the highlights in Tammy’s life, was meeting Dr. Maya Angelou, when she performed in 2004 at the ten year anniversary of the Black History Tour Group. She said that Dr. Angelou is really a phenomenal woman.
Tammy added, “Black History is very important to me. We should all know our roots and appreciate all of the sacrifices our ancestors made for us.”
She has been active in various African American organizations, including the NAACP.  She and her husband, Damar and have two, wonderful little boys.