
Best, Brightest, and Most Beautiful 2010

By Rina Risper
President & Publisher

LANSING, MI — This is by far my favorite edition.  The people featured in this edition are chosen throughout the year.  I love watching people around town and seeing how they are impacting communities and changing their own lives at the same time.  We have not come to the point where we are running out of amazing people in this town.  We have some of our honorees for next year already, attorney, Janene McIntyre; poet and national speaker, Hakim Crampton; videographer and promoter, Cordelia (Coddie) Black and Ashleigh MacLachlan, Gateway Community Service’s Street Outreach Program Manager.  Everyone should prepare themselves to be an expert in something even if it is just being you.

Click the names below to read more about them
Tashmica Turok
Mia D. McNeil
E.J. Greig
Charles Six
William F. Crenshaw, Jr.

The New Citizens Press gives individuals to redefine the the term “leader”.  We must be present always.

It is a common view that most people are not prepared to be leaders or believe that they will not be chosen.  Please prepare yourselves to be chosen to lead.  Speak at engagements when ever you can. Your life is your legacy.