
Big Changes Coming to TNCP

LANSING, MI –  In keeping with our commitment to provide our readers with more we are making some changes.   Newspapers are not dying by any means in our opinion.  We believe we are providing a niche and desire to fill it with interesting articles.  The changes come amid indications that our readers want more information about finances and a deeper understanding of race relations.  We have an on line version but we want you to pick up copies of the paper because somehow a lot is lost in the transmission of information over the internet.   We at The New Citizens Press want to keep you interested.

Suze Orman’s column “Woman and Money” will make its premiere in the August 17, 2008 – August 30, 2008 along with two other nationally known syndicated writers, Cheryl Lavin’s, “Tales From the Front” and Phillip J. Milano’s “Dare to Ask”.

Suze Orman, has been called "a force in the world of personal finance" and a "one-woman financial advice powerhouse" by USA Today. A two-time Emmy award-winning television show host, New York Times bestselling author, magazine and online columnist, writer/producer, and motivational speaker, Orman is undeniably America’s most recognized personal finance expert.

Orman has also written five consecutive New York Times bestsellers.

Chicago Tribune columnist Cheryl Lavin uses wit and humor to give her two nationally syndicated columns a refreshing perspective. A writer who easily relates to people, Lavin captures readers’ attention with both commentary and advice.

The column lets men and women share the "love and war" stories of their relationships in their own words. Her column tackles the common problems and joys of every single, married, divorced, separated or widowed man or woman.

Some tales are funny, some sad, some have happy endings, some don’t. They’re always true and relevant to what’s really going on in today’s relationships. Her two Gen-X daughters keep her supplied with tales, as do her thousands of loyal readers.

TNCP will begin to carry Lavin’s column “Tales from the Front” in our next edition.

TNCP will be no longer printing the advice column “Ask Amy”.

Phillip J. Milano is a 21-year newspaper veteran who grew tired of his industry’s inability to document real cross-cultural dialogue for fear of offending readers. A straight, married white guy who grew up in the affluent, lily-white Chicago suburb of Glen Ellyn, he yearned for a way to get people talking across their differences – differences he himself was sheltered from as a youth.

In 1998, he began YForum.com as a way to prove to himself and others that such conversations could be promoted and would lead people to a better understanding of one another.

Examples of discussion questions in “Dare to Ask”:

— Who has the right to use the N-word?
— How useful is Braille at a drive-through ATM?
— Is flamboyant behavior OK with gays?
— Do older men tend to bathe less?

We are looking forward to another 7 years of providing you with “something to think about”.

If there are any other questions or concerns about the new additions let us know.  We want to hear from you. For more information, please contact us at 517-372-8466 or long on to www.tncp.net.