Black Gen Z: Change vs Adaptable

By Nova Pierce 

 Definitions have been pulled from the Cambridge Dictionary. It starts by stating that adaptability is: “an ability or willingness to change to suit different conditions” In terms of us humans it is how well an individual can react to external forces. Meanwhile, change is defined as: “to make or become different.” Notice the shift in the nuance of these two terminology that are often used interchangeably. Adaptability is reliant on external factors, it is something that is forced, pushed, or pulled out of a person. While change is something internally activated, a decision made by the participant. 

 Adaptability is what led to the human race’s ascension and while it still has its place in society, one may argue that in today’s era one’s capacity for change now outweighs this heavyweight champion. We find ourselves in environments that require less reliance on our reactability and more on our ability to enact change. It causes one to question if it is better to cause the ripples in the water or to roll with the waves that the universe presents. 

 Though I believe that everything happens for a reason I am reluctant to resign my fate to predestination, so I find myself placing my value in the trait of change. However, this belief is rooted in my incapacity to investigate the true depths of limitation to which my autonomy and self-choice are held hostage. I have personally seen how change has shaped people’s lives. Riches are amassed, and dreams are accomplished with the utilization of this self-decision-based trait. 

 Adaptability aptitude rises with overcoming unexpected problems, by pivoting and bouncing. By rolling with life’s punches and preparing a counter. It is reliant on a certain level of fear and paranoia. 

Meanwhile, change is more of an offense. The participant surveys the situation, prepares, and sets forth on their journey. Change breeds confidence through the development of self-efficacy, and adaptability brings strength through resiliency. And so, when questioned about a preference of these traits I find myself on the side of change. On choice. On hope. 

What about you? Which one do you find yourself valuing and portraying? Are you in the habit of maneuvering and adjusting, displaying the strengths of adaptability, as you manage to keep the boat afloat? Or are you a champion of change, igniting your inner flame, burning off nothing more than your innate desires and dedication as you voyage into the distant shoreline? 

 Self-defined financial enthusiast, traveler, and lover of the written arts, Nova Pierce is an MSW student with a BA in psychology; with over three years of working experience in mental healthcare. She’s enamored with topics on spirituality, social justice, and the overall human experience.