
BMIGL Brings Happy Holidays for Hundreds

By Anir Senyah
The New Citizens Press

    LANSING, MI — Every year for the last 13 years, Black Men Incorporated of Greater Lansing (BMIGL) has been lending a helping hand to families in Lansing with their “Take A Child Christmas Shopping” program.  A list of students are provided from schools in the Greater Lansing area and assigned to a BMIGL volunteer.  Volunteers are given instructions and then they take the young men shopping for Christmas.
      This year the event was held at Value City, who has been supporting this event for the past couple of years.   The store was a buzz with activity as over 50 young men scoured the store with their lists of gifts for family members.  Imagine only having a certain amount of money to spend and as a child you spend almost all of it on family members.  In fact this program, has provided gifts for thousands over the years when you include the family members who have benefited from this program. 
      Antonio Thompson, who will be 10 in January, is in the 3rd grade at Grand River Magnet school.  There were 6 people that he had to shop for on his list and he managed to get it done and wrapped them himself.  He said he was proud of the gifts that he picked and he was sure that his family would love their gifts too. Volunteer Karl A.  Scott, who is a part of the group from Omega Psi Phi, Inc. , Sigma Upsilon Chapter, was impressed with Antonio’s generosity, as he picked gifts for his family first, before himself. 
      Diego Terry, 10, who also attends Grand River Magnet School is in the 4th grade.  He purchased gifts for 6 family members.  He wrapped his gifts carefully and the pride of picking his gifts was evident, as he chatted with his adult helper, Mark E. Christian, who is also a member of the Sigma Upsilon Chapter.
     Both Scott and Christian beamed throughout the entire event.  They said that the event was successful.
     When asked if they would do it again, Christian said enthusiastically, "I believe I had just as much fun as the boys. It was great to help uplift these young men and help teach the value of a dollar and how to stay within a budget. I would definitively like to participate again."
    Scott added, "Seeing the excitement on their faces and helping them enjoy their Christmas, was really gratifying. Would I do it again? Yes. Omega Psi Phi, Fraternity Inc. is all about uplifting the community and building friendships through our service. This is something I would like to contribute to every year. "
    Scott and Christian also gave Kalef Larkins, a member of  Greater Love Apostolic Church located in downtown Lansing and a 4th grade student at Lewton Elementary a gift.  He received a large electronic keyboard.  Kalef is an aspiring musician, he plays the drums for his church and is learning how to play the piano.
    Scott works at Michigan State University as an IT Operations Coordinator. He also plays the piano for his church, New Direction Bible Ministries.
     Scott said, "I know how much music affected my life growing up and kept me involved in positive things. I hope this gift impacts Kalef in a positive way and helps him cultivate his talents."
     Christian, who was born and raised in Lansing, now works as a Design Engineer in Northville. The electronic keyboard was donated by Christian, Scott and Derrick Brooks, who was not able to partake in the BMIGL event this year.  They are all recent members of Omega Psi Phi, Inc., Sigma Upsilon Chapter.
   Christian said that it’s important to recognize those with an aptitude for a particular interest.
  "We wanted to make a potentially significant impact on a boy’s life and I remember how great it was to get a keyboard for Christmas.”
   BMIGL meets the second Saturday monthly at Black Child and Family Institute located at 835 W. Genesee at 9:00 a.m.  Anyone can attend the meeting and apply to join this group regardless of gender or race.  
   They have two other major projects during the year.  One is “The Salute to Excellence” which is a program for at-risk middle and high school students are selected because of good grades and good behavior.  They are chosen by a counselor or administrator from the school they attend.
    The other event is “The Black College Tour” that takes place in the fall.  Over 30 high school students participate in a bus tour to approximately 5 black colleges.
     This year BMIGL is planning their first fundraiser  with a dinner dance program.  Their theme is “Saving a Generation”.  The event is going to be on April 25, 2008 at the University Club in East Lansing.
     For more information on BMIGL, to make a donation or to obtain more information about the fundraiser, contact Cleveland Henry at  517-646-8489.