
BODY OF CHANGE: A New Year A New You

By Walter Crockett, Jr.
What if I told you that you have the ability to look and feel better than you have in years? Possibly better than you have ever felt.  That like a phoenix rises from the ashes a new you can rise and be transformed in 2013!  I’m not going to tell you about a miracle supplement, a new piece of equipment that requires minimal effort, or video that you can do for only 10 minutes a day 3 days a week.  I’m going to give you the honest truth. The people who are spending more than 10 minutes a day 3 days a week are doing more than shaking a weighted object and they haven’t taken a miracle supplement.
In order to become the new you, you must first accept the truth. The truth is like anything else worth accomplishing in life, it’s going to take some actual effort. The truth is it’s going to take dedication and time management.  Don’t worry I’m here to help you with both of these arduous issues. If you have taking time to read this article you have already reached 1st  base. Meaning you have already consciously thought about improving your health. I’m going to help you reach 2nd  base and start taking action. First up let’s tackle the time issue. Bottom line is you need to make time! Just like we make time for careers, family and friends, you need to put the same significance on your health.  
It’s your greatest asset. It allows you to make a living, be active with others and live a quality life. Take 3-5 days out of each week that you can work out for 30-60 minutes. If it requires you to join a local fitness club or workout at home so be it. You may have to get up earlier or stay up later depending on your responsibilities. Make the firm decision to invest this time in yourself. I believe that you’re well worth the investment.  You’ve now conquered the challenging time issue. We have cleared 2nd base and headed to 3rd.  It’s time to establish your dedication.
You’re going to have to put on the blinders and run straight toward your goal of transforming your body. You need to skip some holiday party treats while being dedicated to the task at hand. Though you’re training 3-5 days a week, nutrition still is the key.  
Increase your water intake and get rid of those sugar filled drinks. Remember it’s a marathon not a sprint. Aim for a weight loss goal of two pounds per week. You want to lose body fat and not valuable lean muscle. Avoid weighing yourself every day. Instead pick one day per week and weigh on that day and time consistently. If you are looking to gain muscle give yourself 4-6 weeks. This is a reasonable time for the average person to develop 1-2 pounds of lean muscle. 
You’re past 3rd base now and on your way to home plate!  You’ve already thought about making a change, fit fitness into your schedule and became dedicated.  All that is left is the perfect fitness plan for you. Working with a personal trainer is the best way to discover the best plan of action for your goals. I know some of you may say, well I’ll meet with a trainer when I get in better shape. I simply ask, do you say I’ll wait to I feel a little better before I go see the doctor?  I hope not, the time is now! 2013 is your year for greatness. 
Walter Crockett, Jr. is a Certified Personal Trainer at the Sparrow Michigan Athletic Club.  Walter has experience in general fitness, sports performance and rehabilitation.  He can be contacted at 517-364-8888 or emailed at wcrockett@themac.org.
This was printed in the December 2, 2012 – December 15, 2012 Edition