
Book Drive for the Prisoners: The correctional population has been increasing

In 2007, Capital Area Community Action Network (CCCAN) and The New Citizens Press  joined forces to collect books for the prisons across the nation.    They were able to obtain over 5,000 books towards the goal.

This year they’re partnering with bookstore Everybody Reads located at 2019 E. Michigan Ave. (next door to Gone Wired).  The book drive will run until June 14, 2008.  For store hours, please call 517.346.9900.

In 2005, over 7 million people were under some form of correctional supervision including:

Probation – court ordered community supervision of convicted offenders by a probation agency. In many instances, the supervision requires adherence to specific rules of conduct while in the community.

Prison – confinement in a State or Federal correctional facility to serve a sentence of more than 1 year, although in some jurisdictions the length of sentence which results in prison confinement is longer.

Jail – confinement in a local jail while pending trial, awaiting sentencing, serving a sentence that is usually less than 1 year, or awaiting transfer to other facilities after conviction.

Parole – community supervision after a period of incarceration. These data include only adults who are on active or inactive parole supervision or some other form of conditional release, including mandatory release, following a term of incarceration.

Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics Correctional Surveys