
Book Reveiw 6-10

Poetry is akin to deeply moving and engaging song.  Annette Hoggs-Jackson’s new book Poems From the Heart fills a beautiful purpose.  Annette’s writing has a significant balance and rhythm.  The book courageous takes on everyday, real life and relevant topics such as parenting, dating, faith, money, abuse and personal destiny.  Anyone who has lived a decade on earth can easily relate to the poetry in Poems From The Heart.  I found this book inspiring, empowering and uplifting.  With each new poem I read my heart was strengthened.  And it is no wonder.  The book’s author has a degree in psychology.  She has worked with people with mental health issues, including juvenile delinquents, young men and women, the elderly and families.  Presently the author works with families, the homeless, the abused, and the divorced with challenges such as domestic abuse, drug and alcohol addiction, depression and schizophrenia.
The writing is simple akin to the way Ernest Hemingway kept to the basic tenets of writing.  I love it when an author understands her readers to the point that she writes to them, for them, as if they were her best friends, as if she knew each reader personally and was sitting on her front porch with each reader sharing events from her life that, in turn, help and inspire the reader.  Whether you are in the process of healing and recovering from letting someone go from your inner circle, whether you feel confused about a decision you are trying to make, whether you are striving to forgive someone you perceive injured you so that you can let go of old pain and move forward, Poems From The Heart will speak to you.
One of my favorite poems in the book is Don’t Move Till I Tell You.  And it is this poem that I close this review with.  If you are seeking lasting inspiration, I encourage you to get and enjoy Poems From The Heart for the title is an honest title.  Annette Hoggs-Jackson bares her soul in her poetry and it is this beauty that she shares with you, her reader.

Don’t Move Till I Tell You
There are times when you want to step
Out on your own,
But when you do, you will be all alone.
If you have my Spirit in you,
You will move when I tell you to
And you will do only what I say do.
But when you step out on your own will,
My plans for you will
stand still.
If you move by my timing,
You will continue to keep climbing.
Only move when I tell you to,
My Spirit will give you
guidance on what to do.


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Read excerpts from Denise two new books online FREE by emailing soulfar@aol.com with “Request New Free Excerpts” in the Subject Line.