
Book Reveiw 7-1: Situations 101 By Bern Nadette Stanis

Written by Denise Turney

I had been meaning to read this book for several weeks.  I’m glad I finally read it.  It was so good and insightful that I read it in one night.  Most of you probably remember Bern Nadette Stanis as the actress who played Thelma on the classic hit television sitcom “Good Times”.  Well.  Bern Nadette Stanis has talent as a writer as well.  In fact, she started in the arts as a writer.

  If you’ve ever listened to and loved the advice given on relationship talk shows, Situations 101 is a real treat.  This is a book I highly recommend to anyone about to embark upon an intimate relationship.  The book presents real-life relationship situations that more than a few people may have found or may presently find themselves dealing with.  Advice Bern Nadette offers is open and objective.  She doesn’t tell folks what to do.  Instead, she provides them insight and encourages them to look to the heart of the situation so they avoid making a hasty decision they may later regret.  She’s candid and to the point.  For readers who think their relationship situations are hardest or rarest of all, Situations 101 is going to be quite an eye opener.  For readers tempted to enter a world of fantasy rather than deal with what’s going on in their relationships, Situations 101 will push you back to reality and allow you to move forward, even if that means letting a relationship go.
   As the title states, there are 101 situations covered in the book.  There are situations about infidelity, neediness, long distance relationships, financial issues, indecision, former girlfriends, and rushing a relationship along.  The situations in the book are in response to questions about relationships women ask.  Stanis has written another book that addresses relationship questions poised by men.

     If you think you’ve heard it all, read this book.  I found myself shaking my head as I read some of the situations couples put themselves into.  A refreshing quality found throughout the book is the message that all relationships go through changes and regardless of how long you have been in a relationship with someone, you can only change you.  You’re responsible for your own life and need to tend to your own happiness rather than being in “sacrifice” mode.
Readers will see themselves or someone they know in the situations in this book.  I’d be surprised if you didn’t fall in love with Stanis’ open and honest approach.  I highly recommend this book.  It’s written absent judgment.  It doesn’t spare facts and it arms its readers with enough information to examine their relationships frankly and with love.

Visit Denise online at
www.chistell.com.  Read excerpts from Denise’s two new books online FREE by e-mailing soulfar@aol.com with
“Request New Free Excerpts” in the subject line.