
Book Reveiw 7-14

By Denise Turney
The flap of the book got me.  I read it and knew I had to get and read this book.  The flap reads, “Have you ever dreamed of turning life upside down and inside out, and really living as your heart would have you?  Do you push your dreams out to ‘someday’ conditioned by ‘if only’?  Are you stuck between the life you have and a life you would really love?” 

How many of us couldn’t answer ‘yes’ to these questions now or at some other point in our physical experience?

Live What You Love shares the experiences of Bob and Melinda Blanchard, a couple who decided to branch out, abandon their usual nine-to-five jobs and go for what they really wanted, what made their hearts sing.

 The possibility of a tremendous loss is what propelled the Blanchards to this decision.  Their young son, Jesse, weighed a little over one pound when he was born.  Chances of him surviving made Bob and Melinda fearful.  They stayed at the hospital days and nights waiting for their newborn son to improve, get stronger, and come home with them.  Bob put his job behind him, not even bothering to call the manager where he worked to let him know that he wouldn’t be into work on yet another day. 

What happened next more than surprised the couple.  It was a turning point in their lives.  They have not looked back.

Owning a restaurant, living out of their Volkswagon van, becoming millionaires, doing business with retailers such as Macy’s and Bloomingdales and living on the beautiful island of Anguilla, are but a few of the entrepreneurial experiences the Blanchards share with readers. 

One of the most endearing qualities to the book is the fact that, even with their financial, social and business successes, the Blanchards never stopped knowing that their greatest asset was the people in their lives.

It’s been said that no one can tell a story better than the people who lived it.  Live What You Love is one of those books were the people who walked the talk tell the story.  They don’t mince words when it comes to revealing scary and challenging experiences in their lives, especially when they branched out on a new dream. 

Family portraits and visual images of Anguilla find the book reading like a memoir.  The writing is authentic and sincere.  Inspiration abounds on every page.
Visit Denise online at
www.chistell.com.  Read excerpts from Denise’s two new books online FREE by e-mailing soulfar@aol.com with “Request New Free Excerpts” in the subject line.