
Book Reveiw 7-4

By Denise Turney
  Let Your Light So Shine is written in a poetic fashion.  It is well balanced with exposition and scripture.  Each chapter begins with a scripture such as Genesis 1:26:  “You are light; you are the express image of God and are made in his likeness.”  From this first scripture and the expositions that follow to expound upon the scripture, it is clear that Let Your Light So Shine is a book about our spiritual essence and the light our Creator placed inside each of us.
Through reading Let Your Light So Shine readers discover what this light placed inside each of us is, what it does and how we can uncover and share it with others.  In a word, Let Your Light So Shine is a book about love.  It is written with a gentle touch rooted in scripture.  I couldn’t help but to see how our own inner essence comes through in what we create.  Those of us struggling with judgment may create works, even if they are based on eternal truths, with a focus on what’s wrong rather than on what each of us can and often do produce that is right.  Those of us struggling with depression may place a great deal of focus on mood and tragedy.  It is impossible for a writer to completely remove her/himself from the work that they create.  That said, Kevin Johnson’s solid yet gentle demeanor comes shining through in Let Your Light So Shine.
The book is small, a quick and easy read.  It is written so that it can reach and speak to readers from various backgrounds and various walks of life.  As part of the Give God The Glory book series, this book tells readers that light (phos) means “to give light”.  The author states that it is light which enables us to see.  I was surprised to learn that light is referenced 264 in the Bible and represents:  radiance, spiritual awareness and right living, a characteristic of God, the opposite of darkness, illuminates, leads the way and is the glory of God.  In Let Your Light So Shine the author expounds upon these characteristics of light.   

I found myself underlining parts of the book as I read it.  Even now when I read those sections, I am strengthened in my inner being.  Whether you are looking for a book to dig deep into and research further information on or whether you merely want to read a quick inspirational piece that you can return to again, Let Your Light So Shine is a book you will remember.  The material is grouped and presented in such a way that a Sunday School or Bible Study group could benefit from reading and discussing it.  This was one of my favorite, brief reads of last year.  It’s short, but it’s a gem.
Visit Denise online at
www.chistell.com.  Read excerpts from Denise’s two new books online FREE by e-mailing soulfar@aol.com with “Request New Free Excerpts” in the subject line.