
Book Review 8-12

By Baiyina Hodge

Sleeping with the Enemy: God’s Man, is a nonfiction book written by Evangelist Lydia Andrew. It delves into what happens when we as woman of God go out and hand pick our husband versus allowing God to bring us the man that He desires us to have. It looks at how all is well before the marriage takes place yet from the moment that each individual says “I do” a change in the relationship occurs. The union between the Godly woman and the man that is believed to be Godly breaks down from the moment it starts.  We see how once the union has been made official all of the facades come off and what we are left with is the cold harsh reality that all is not as it appeared in the courtship.

This book looks at the great cover up.  How we as women of God put our lives and ministries on the shelf for the life and ministry of a man that often times is not even anointed of God.  We sit up night after night praying for our husbands faithfully.  We put on a face and go to church unwilling to expose all the cruel things that he has done to us and our children.  We take the blame for all of the short comings of our spouses. We begin to believe the lies that he tells us about our self.  We work harder and harder trying to please a man that will never be pleased. We blatantly ignore all that God has called us to do for the sake of a union that was never ordained by God.

It delves into the fact that often time we are isolated, ostracized and criticized by the sisters at church that should be embracing us and helping us through.  How many husbands manipulate the situations and begin affairs with the women and men of the church.  There are many first ladies that found their husband, the pastor, in bed with another man or woman and the church stood by the pastor.  Many women are being abused verbally, mentally and physically by the pseudo man of God yet nothing is being done.  It revisits Amnon in the Bible and how he raped his sister Tamar and nothing was done by King David.  This book calls the leaders to task.  Sleeping with the Enemy: God’s Man demands that when leaders see these atrocities going on in the church to recognize that God has placed them in a position of authority for them to do something about it. It calls for reformation of those that are in the church and not walking as God has called them to walk.
It is the personal testimony of how the author, Evangelist Lydia Andrew, is a survivor of mental, physical and verbal abuse.  She was oppressed by a man that was believed to be of God.  It gives her personal journey to success and how she overcame all that she went through by turning to God.  It tells how God healed and delivered her and uses her today to help women that are victims just like she was.

This book is an eye opener.  If you haven’t read it you should!  It can be purchased at Della’s Salon at 405 E Holmes Rd and Cedar for $10.00.