
Interpersonal Edge: Learn to discern whom to mentor


By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Content Agency

Q. I’ve managed employees at organization for 20 years and consider myself an exceptional mentor. What I find frustrating is how often my employees both don’t appreciate my help and don’t use what I have to offer. Can you explain why people are often so stubbornly self-destructive at work and resent genuinely good advice?


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Interpersonal Edge: Be here now for workplace success

  By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Content Agency
 Q. I always hear about the power of being in the present and can see the “now” might have spiritual benefit. I fail, however, to see how being present can help me make more money or advance in my company. Plus, when I attempt to be more present I tend to see more problems. 

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Interpersonal Edge: Spot narcissists before they hurt you


By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Content Agency

Q. I swear that half the people I work with lack empathy and are arrogant and completely self-absorbed. What can I do so they don’t make me miserable?


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Interpersonal Edge: Managing stupid people tricks


By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Content Agency
 Q. My organization has tripled the number of employees I supervise, and I’m exhausted with how many stupid mistakes they make. I make every effort to train them and yet they still manage to misunderstand nearly everything I say. How can I make the job to clear to them and not waste so much time with their mistakes?

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Interpersonal Edge: Customer not always right, but he’s never wrong

  By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Content Agency
 Q. I’ve tried to explain to an important customer that he misunderstood our policies when he hired my company. The customer can’t admit he was wrong and is now talking to my boss, and I’m in trouble. How did this end up my fault?

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Interpersonal Edge: Playing blame game is giving up your own power to change

  By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Content Agency
Q. I’m in the middle of my career and so tired of running into roadblocks to get promoted, get better paid and have projects that are more interesting. I have found the problem is usually my boss, my coworkers and the customers I tend to work with. How can I succeed when the problem is other people?

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Interpersonal Edge: Want a new career? Explore new hobbies


By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Content Agency

  Q. I’m in my 40s and wondering if I picked the wrong career track. I don’t know what else I might want to do, but I feel bored and irritated more often than I ever did when I was young and idealistic. What should I do?


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Interpersonal Edge: Playing blame game is giving up your own power to change

  By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Content Agency
Q. The largest problem I have at work is with other people. Every time something goes wrong at my job, I’m staring at someone who did something stupid, incompetent or thoughtless. How do you approach problems that are someone else’s fault?

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Excuse me are you listening? 13-21

  Dear Readers,

I am not a huge fan of sports but baseball makes my heart flutter.  I do not really watch it or listen to it much now but it reminds me of my grandpa, Ralph Carrington, who died some years ago.  Recently, I found out that he was a New York City taxi cab driver and my grandmother was recruited by Saks Fifth Avenue to make wedding dresses. 

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Interpersonal Edge: The power of not knowing

 By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Content Agency
 Q. I’ve been in my job for 20 years. When I started in my career, I thought I knew just about everything. Now most days I wrestle with how much I don’t know. How do you deal with getting good enough at what you do to see how much more you don’t know?

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